Positive Psychology for Career Counsellors & Coaches, April 2013

Positive psychology is the scientific study of psychological well-being and happiness. It is a natural fit for career counsellors and coaches because it offers so many practical ways to improve the well-being, success and happiness of your clients. Join us to learn how to incorporate positive psychology into your practice. The interactive webinars will be…

Disabled People of Colour at work

Le CERIC et l’ACSE s’associent pour offrir le premier programme de certification en ligne sur le développement de carrière intersectionnel

Dans le cadre d’une avancée significative dans le domaine du développement de carrière, le CERIC et l’Association canadienne de soutien à l’emploi (ACSE) sont fiers d’annoncer le lancement de leur premier cours en ligne, Une approche intersectionnelle pour soutenir l’avancement professionnel, qui va dans le sens d’une plus grande équité et d’un renforcement de l’autonomie…


Putting practice in place: Significant learning in a co-operative education foundational course

  By Candy Ho Typically, when one thinks of co-operative education (co-op) programs in post-secondary institutions, processes such as placing students in temporary roles and liaising with employers come to mind. Yet, there is more than meets the eye, as the educational components of teaching and learning in co-op programs is rarely mentioned, arguably because…