Orientation to Trades and Technology Curriculum and Resource Book: A way in for women

By Marcia Braundy Threaded throughout, are units to assist women to develop the additional skills to assist their success as they enter these career domains; where the needs to “Recognize, Adapt and Influence Workplace Culture, ” “Develop and Practice Assertive Skills”, “Deal Effectively with Harassment” and “Develop and Maintain Occupational Fitness” are still essential to…


Practical & Academic Research Committee

The Practical & Academic Research Committee: Plays a central role in the development of CERIC’s internal and external research agenda by reviewing materials to determine what research needs to be done in Canada and supporting the development of internal and external stakeholder surveys. Determines and recommends to the Board the most effective way that CERIC…

Book Reviews: Considerations When Counselling Deaf Clients

Review by Tami Ali Dee Dee (Diana) Kay MC., C.I., C.T. & Lynn Ashley Davis Ph.D., R. Psych. H.O.P.E. Incorporated Calgary, Alberta ISBN 0-9813625 Although this book was written with psychological counselling professionals in mind, it is easily adapted to career counsellors. It is designed for professionals who are unfamiliar with the Deaf community or…


Latest CERIC literature search explores the value of service learning

Higher education means more than advancing students’ knowledge and skillsets. It is important for students to understand and participate in meaningful community service and develop a sense of social responsibility. Increasingly, academic institutions are incorporating service learning as part of curriculum. CERIC’s latest literature search Service Learning explores why service learning matters and how it…


Book Club

Coming to Your Senses: Soaring with Your Soul By Sally M. Veillette Hara Publishing Group, 2003 ISBN: 0974185418 Sally M. Veillette rediscovered her passion and reclaimed her life. In Coming to Your Senses: Soaring with Your Soul, she wants to help her readers do the same. This is a book for exhausted over-achievers—folks who’ve realized…