CERIC is a charitable organization that advances education, research and advocacy in career counselling and development, in order to increase the economic and social well-being of people in Canada.

It funds projects to develop innovative resources that build the knowledge and skills of diverse career and employment professionals. CERIC also annually hosts Cannexus, Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, publishes the country’s only peer-reviewed journal, Canadian Journal of Career Development, and runs the CareerWise / OrientAction websites, providing the top career development news and views.

CERIC’s activities are funded in large part by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, a family foundation that has actively supported career projects for 60 years.

The origin of the CERIC name is as an acronym for Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling. However, recognizing that the scope of career development encompasses counselling and more, the organization has adopted CERIC as its name and added the descriptor “Advancing Career Development in Canada” to communicate its purpose and impact.


People in Canada have the capacity to use their skills and talents towards a more fulfilling future for all.


Advancing career development in Canada.


Our Values


A respectful, inclusive and equitable environment that invites all stakeholders, especially the historically disadvantaged, to contribute to meaningful discussions and decision-making.


Allowing for the fullest access to our research, learning and engagement opportunities in order to support the largest number of career professionals and have the broadest impact.


Non-partisan, pan-Canadian and multi-sectoral: within partnerships, projects, and advocacy, encourages participation from multiple actors for a greater benefit.


Diverse people, skillsets, schools of thought and backgrounds that offer a spectrum of perspectives and know-how are intentionally sought and represented.


Our processes and procedures are available and understood by our stakeholders; demonstrating transparency, openness, communication and accountability in all of our actions.


Committed to new and imaginative ways and means to enhance the value and body of knowledge within career development; curious and takes smart risks to inspire, challenge and achieve results.

Strategic Mandates

  • Promoting career development as a priority for the public good
  • Building career development knowledge, mindsets and competencies

Who We Work With

CERIC is an inclusive organization for anyone working in career or employment services or who has interest in career development, including practitioners, program managers, educators, researchers and product developers. We work across all sectors: K-12, post-secondary, community, government and corporate as well as independent professionals.

Respecting the diversity of career development practitioners in Canada, CERIC is committed to the field of career development and enhancing knowledge attainment and application among its practitioners. In recognition of the many sectors/paths in this sphere, the advancement of knowledge, practice and research in all its forms is firmly supported.

Board of Directors

CERIC is directed by a pan-Canadian volunteer Board of Directors reflecting a broad sectoral representation in the field of career counselling. Read more on our Board.

We also have a number of Advisory Committees that are as diverse and representative as our national Board of Directors. Committees play an important role providing input on research, learning, marketing, communications, web services, editorial support and conference programming.

Advisory Committees

Practical & Academic Research

Determines and recommends to the Board the most effective way by which CERIC can support the growth and development of practical and academic career-related research in Canada and its application. Read more on our Practical & Academic Research Committee.

Content & Learning

Provides input to inform the strategic direction of CERIC’s content and learning through various streams including the CareerWise and OrientAction websites, webinars and the Cannexus conference. Read more on our Content & Learning Committee.

Advocacy & Community Engagement

Contributes to developing advocacy plans with priority audiences and identifies approaches to engage diverse stakeholders in the broader career development ecosystem with CERIC’s work. Read more on our Advocacy & Community Engagement Committee.

Watch what our Board and Committee members have to say about volunteering with CERIC

CERIC acknowledges the Huron-Wendat, Petun, Haundenosaunee, Anishinaabe and Mississauga Anishinaabe of New Credit share a special relationship to the territory in which our office is located. Toronto’s long history of being a meeting place and centre of trade & commerce began thousands of years ago. Today, it is home to Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island and many who have come from away. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in this territory and commit ourselves to learning the truth of our shared history and to engage in the process of reconciliation. Learn more about CERIC’s commitment to reconciliation.