Dernière mise à jour : novembre 2017
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Anderson Grimmett, M. (2006). Early Career Development of African American Boys. NCDA.
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Augst, K. and Akos, P. (2008). With All Your Power, What Will You Do? A Strengths – Based Career Unit for Elementary Students. NCDA
Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Capara, G.V., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Self-efficacy beliefs as shapers of children’s aspirations and career trajectories. Child Development, 72(1), 187-206.
Barge, J.D. (2013). Elementary Career Cluster Activities Guidance Elementary Career Awareness Grades 1-5. Department of Education State of Georgia.
Barrett, C.M. (2006). Career Development Curriculum for First-Generation Middle School Students. NCDA.
Beier, S.M. (2004). School-to-Work Transitions for Youth with Disabilities: The case for a central coordinating agent. NCDA.
Blake, D. (2012). Engaging Middle School Students through Career Exploration. CTE Conference.
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Garman, C.H. (2003). Simple Ideas for Making Career Education Fun. NCDA.
Ghilani, M.E. (2005). Using Web-Based Career Resources to Enhance Career Counseling. NCDA.
Gibson, D. (2008). Using Career Genograms in K-12 Settings. NCDA.
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Hayes, J.G. (2005). Make a Career of Making a Difference. NCDA.
Helwig, A.A. (2006). Lessons from a Ten-Year Career Development Study. NCDA.
Henson, R. (2012). Writing Career Development Standards for K-12. NCDA.
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Kass, J., & Cavallaro, M. (2010). A World of Possibilities: Career Development for Gifted Students. NCDA.
Keller, B.K. (2004). Parental Behaviors that Influence Adolescents Career Development. NCDA.
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Missouri Professional School Counselors and Counselor Educators. (2015). Professional School Counselor’s Guide to the K-12 Individual Planning Process. Missouri Center for Career Education.
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Osborn, D. (2008). Career Exploration in First Grade. NCDA.
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Pennock, A.J., Moyers, K.L. (2012). The Role of Personality in K-12 Education. ASBBS Annual Conference: Las Vegas.
Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2011). Tools for Developing a Comprehensive K-12 Guidance & Counseling Plan. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education.
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