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Abrams, M.D., Omarsdottir, A.O., Bjornsdottir, M.D. (2013).Measurement Invariance of the Career Indecision Profile. Journal of Career Assessment.

Aitken Schermer, J. (2012). The Jackson Career Explorer. Journal of Career Assessment.

Armstrong, P.I., Fouad, N.A., Rounds, J. (2010). Quantifying and Interpreting Group Differences in Interest Profiles. Journal of Career Assessment.

Baker, B. (2013). Wheel of Life – A Self-Assessment Tool. Start of Happiness.

Barclay, W.B., Chapman, J.R., Brown, B.L. (2013). Underlying Factor Structure of Schein’s Career Anchor Model. Journal of Career Assessment.

Bellon, B., and Rowe, J. (2011). Linking Expatriate Assessment and Selection with Talent Management Strategies. Mobility Magazine.

Betz, N.E., Borgen, F.H. (2010). Relationships of the Big Five Personality Domains and Facets to Dimensions of the Healthy Personality. Journal of Career Assessment.

Brown, S.D., Hacker, J., Abrams, M. (2011). Validation of a Four-Factor Model of Career Indecision. Journal of Career Assessment.

Campbell, E.L., Campbell, V.L., Watkins, C.E. (2015). Construct Validity of Anticipated Work-Family Conflict and Barriers Measures. Journal of Career Development.

Cao, J., Thomas, D. (2013). When Developing a Career Path, What are the Key Elements to Include? Cornell University ILR School.

Chope, R.C. (2005). Qualitatively Assessing Family Influence in Career Decision Making. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Cox, D.W., Krieshok, T.S., Bjornsen, A.L. (2014). Occupational Engagement Scale – Student. Development and Initial Validation. Journal of Career Assessment.

Creed, P.A., Hood, M. (2014). The Development and Initial Validation of a Scale to Assess Career Goal Discrepancies. Journal of Career Assessment.

Creed, P.A., Conlon, E.G., Dhaliwal, K. (2013). Revisiting the Academic Hardiness Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

Crisan, C., Pavelea, A., Ghimbulut, O. (2015). A Need Assessment on Students’ Career Guidance. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 180, Pages 1022-1029.

Cupani, M., Pautassi, R.M. (2013). Predictive Contribution of Personality Traits in a Sociocognitive Model of Academic Performance in Mathematics. Journal of Career Assessment.

Cutler. H., (2017). Engaging Client Assessment Tools That Rock! NCDA.

Dawn, M. (2018). Informal Career Assessment Procedures. Chron.

Deemer, E.D., Smith, J.L., Thoman, D.B. (2013). Precision in Career Motivation Assessment. Journal of Career Assessment.

Denham, T. (2013). The 4 stages of the career development process. Careers and Worklife.

Diemer, M.A., Wang, Q, Smith, A.V. (2009). Vocational Interests and Prospective College Majors Among Youth of Color in Poverty. Journal of Career Assessment.

Dik, B.J., Eldridge, B.M., Steger, M.F. (2012). Development and Validation of the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) and Brief Calling Scale (BCS). Journal of Career Assessment.

Dik, B.J., Hansen, J-I. C. (2010). Moderation of P-E Fit – Job satisfaction relations. Journal of Career Assessment.

Dipeolu, A., Hargrave, S., Storlie, C.A. (2014). Enhancing ADHD and LD Diagnostic Accuracy Using Career Instruments. Journal of Career Development.

Douglas, K. (2016). Assessment Tools and Career Decision Making. NACE.

Duffy, R.D., Autin, K.L. Allan, B.A. (2014). Assessing Work as a Calling. An Evaluation of Instruments and Practice Recommendations. Journal of Career Assessment.

Eastwood, J. (2017). Why is Career Assessment Important? SAP SuccessFactors.

Eberle, K. (2017). Using Assessments for Career “Fit”. INSIDE HIGHERED

Essig, G.N., Kelly, K. (2013). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Assessment Feedback Models in Reducing Career Indecision. Journal of Career Assessment.

Fan, W., Cheung, F.M., Leong, F.T.L. (2011). Personality Traits, Vocational Interests, and Career Exploration: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between American and Hong Kong Students. Journal of Career Assessment.

Flores, L.Y., Spanierman, L.B., & Obasi, E.M. (2003). Ethical and professional issues in career assessment with diverse racial and ethnic groups. Journal of Career Assessment, 11, 76-95.

Fouad, N.A., Cotter, E.W., Fitzpatrick. (2010). Development and Validation of the Family Influence Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

Foutch, H., Ruff McHugh, E., Bertoch, S.C. (2013). Creating and Using a Database on Holland’s Theory and Practical Tools. Journal of Career Assessment.

Francis-Smythe, J., Haase, S., Thomas, E. (2013). Development and Validation of the Career Competencies Indicator (CCI). Journal of Career Assessment.

Gallo, A. (2016). The 8 Self-Assessments You Need to Improve at Work This Year. Harvard Business Review.

Gati, I., Asulin-Peretz, L. (2011). Internet-Based Self-Help Career Assessments and Interventions: Challenges and Implications for Evidence-Based Career Counseling. Journal of Career Assessment.

Gross-Spector, M., Gali Cinamon, R. (2016). Assessing Adults’ Career Exploration. Journal of Career Development.

Guddemi, M., Case, B.J. (2004). Assessing Young Children, Pearson Education.

Guo, Y-J, Wang, S-C., and Johnson, V. (2015). Clinical Assessment in the Counseling Process: A Teaching Model. VISTAS.

Gupta, A., Chong, SH., Leong, F.T.L. (2014). Development and Validation of the Vocational Identity Measure. Journal of Career Assessment.

Hacker, J., Carr, A., Abrams, M. (2013). Development of the Career Indecision Profile. Journal of Career Assessment

Hale, C. ( 2005). Pros and Cons of Assessment Centers. HENDON Publishing

Hammond, M.S., Betz, N.E., Multon, K.D. (2010). Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised Scale Validation for African Americans. Journal of Career assessment.

Harrington, T., Long, J. (2013). The History of Interest Inventories and Career Assessments in Career Counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 61, Issue 1, Pages 83-92.

Hirschi, A. (2010). Vocational Interests and Career Goals: Development and Relations to Personality in Middle Adolescence. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Hood, A.B., and Johnson, R.W. (2007). Assessment in Counseling. A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures. American Counseling Association.

Huang, Y-P., Flores, L.Y. (2011). Exploring the Validity of the Problem-Solving Inventory with Mexican American High School Students. Journal of Career Assessment.

Huang, J-T., Hsieh, H-H. (2011). Linking Socioeconomic Status to Social Cognitive Career Theory Factors. Journal of Career Assessment.

Hughes, D. (2013). The Role of Career Assessment Inventories in Career Counselling /Education. ContactPoint

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Leong, F.T.L., Rosenberg, S.D., Chong, SH. (2013). A Psychometric Evaluation of Schein’s (1985) Career Orientations Inventory. Journal of Career Assessment.

Leong, F.L., Pearce, M., Huang, J.L. (2013). Assessing Scientist and Practitioner Orientations in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Journal of Career Assessment.

Lewis, J.A., Raque-Bogdan, Lee, S. (2017). Examining the Role of Ethnic Identity and Meaning in Life on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy. Journal of Career Development.

Lo Presti, A., Pace, F., Mondo, M. (2013). An Examination of the Structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) Among Italian High School Students. Journal of Career Assessment.

Lombardi, A., Seburn, M., Conley, D. (2011). Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Academic Behaviors Associated with College and Career Readiness. Journal of Career Assessment.

Lundsteen, N. (2017). Why Career Self-Assessments Matter. Inside Higher Ed.

Magee, I., M., Whiston, S.C. (2010). Casting No Shadow: Assessing Vocational Overshadowing. Journal of Career Assessment.

Makransky, G., Rogers, M.E., Creed, P.A. (2014). Analysis of the Construct Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

Marsden, P., Caffrey, M., McCaffery, J. (2013). Human Resources Management Assessment Approach. USAID.

Martincin, K.M., Stead, G.B. (2014). Five-Factor Model and Difficulties in Career Decision Making. Journal of Career Assessment.

Mcllveen, P., Burton, L.J., Beccaria, G. (2012). A Short Form of the Career Futures Inventory. Journal of Career Assessment.

McLarnon, M.J.W., Carswell, J.J., Schneider, T.J. (2014). A Case of Mistaken Identity? Latent Profiles in Vocational Interests. Journal of Career Assessment.

McMahon, M., Watson, M. (2012). Telling Stories of Career Assessment. Journal of Career Assessment.

McMahon, M., Watson, M., Patton, W. (2004). Qualitative Career Assessment: Developing the My System of Career Influences Reflection Activity. EPrints

McMahon, M., Patton, W., Watson, M. (2003). Developing qualitative career assessment processes. NCDA.

Nauta, M.M. (2012). Are RIASEC Interests Traits? Evidence Based on Self-Other Agreement. Journal of Career Assessment.

Ng, A., Fan, W., Cheung, F.M. (2011). The CPAI-2 as a Culturally Relevant Personality Measure in Differentiating Among Academic Major Groups. Journal of Career Assessment.

Niles, S.G., Harris-Bowlsbey, J.E. (2017). Career Development Interventions, 5th Edition. Merrill Counseling.

Niles, S.G. (2001). Using Super’s Career Development Assessment and Counselling (C-DAC) Model to Link Theory to Practice. Springer Link.

Nimon, K., Zigarmi, D. (2014). The Work Cognition Inventory. Initial Evidence of Construct Validity for the Revised Form. Journal of Career Development.

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Osborn, D.S., Riley Dikel, M., Sampson Jr., J.P, & Harris-Bowlsbey, JA. (2011). The Internet: A Tool for career planning (3rd Edition). NACADA.

Owens, R.L., Motl, T.C., Krieshok, T.S. (2015). A Comparison of Strengths and Interests Protocols in Career Assessment and Counseling. Journal of Career Assessment.

Pabler, K., Hell, B. (2012). Do Interests and Cognitive Abilities Help Explain College Major Choice Equally Well for Women and Men? Journal of Career Assessment.

Palladino Schultheiss, D.E., Stead, G.B. (   ). Ethical Issues in Testing and Assessment. International Handbook of Career Guidance pp. 603-623.

Patrick, L., Care, E., Ainley, M. (2010). The relationship Between Vocational Interests, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement in the Prediction of Educational Pathways. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Pirutinsky, S. (2013). Career Assessment of Ultraorthodox Jewish Men. Journal of Career Assessment.

Praskova, A., Creed, P.A., Hood, M. (2014). The Development and Initial Validation of a Career Calling Scale for Emerging Adults. Journal of Career Assessment.

Pulakos, E.D. (2005). Selection Assessment Methods. SHRM Foundation.

Rehfuss, M.C., Di Fabio, A. (2012). Validating the Future Career Autobiography as a Measure of Narrative Change. Journal of Career Assessment.

Rehfuss, M.C., Del Corso, J., Galvin, K. (2011). Impact of the Career Style Interview on Individuals with Career Concerns. Journal of Career Assessment.

Rhee, E., Lee, B.H., Kim, B. (2015). The Relationship Among the Six Vocational Identity Statuses and Five Dimensions of Planned Happenstance Career Skills. Journal of Career Assessment.

Richard, G.V., Zarconi, J., Savickas, M.L. (2011). Construction of a Physician Skills Inventory. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Rottinghaus, P.J., Falk, N.A., Park, C.J. (2018). Career Assessment and Counselling for STEM: A Critical Review. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 66, Issue 1.

Rottinghaus, P.J., Buelow, K.L., Matyja, A. (2011). The Career Futures Inventory – Revised. Journal of Career Assessment.

Sampson, J.P., Purgar, M.P., Shy, J.D. (2003). Computer-based test interpretation in career assessment: Ethical and professional issues. Journal of Career Assessment, 11, 22-39.

Savickas, M.L., Porfeli, E.J. (2011). Revision of the Career Maturity Inventory. Journal of Career Assessment.

Sawitri, D.R., Creed, P.A., Zimmer-Gembeck, M.J. (2012). The Adolescent-Parent Career Congruence Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

Schneider, T.J., McLarnon, M.J.W., Carswell, J.J. (2015). Career Interests, Personality, and the Dark Triad. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Steger, M.F., Dik, B.J., Duffy, R.D. (2012). Measuring Meaningful Work. Journal of Career Assessment.

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Sung, Y_T, Cheng, Y_W, Wu, J_S. (2015). Constructing a Situation-Based Career Interest Assessment for Junior High School Students and Examining Their Interest Structure. Journal of Career Assessment.

Swaney, K.B., Allen, J., Casillas, A. (2012). Interests, Work Values, and Occupations. Journal of Career Assessment.

Tenenbaum, R.Z., Byrne, C.J., Dahling, J.J. (2013). Interactive Effects of Physical Disability Severity and Age Disability Onset on RIASEC Self-Efficacies. Journal of Career Assessment.

Thompson, M.N., Subich, L.M. (2012). Development and Exploration of the Experiences with Classism Scale. Journal of Career Assessment.

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