Dernière mise à jour : avril 2019

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Allen, T. D., Eby, L. T., Editors, (2011). The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring, Ragins, B.R., Chapter 17, P. 28. Diversity and Workplace Mentoring Relationship: A review and Positive Social Capital Approach, John Wiley & Sons.

Algozzine, B., & Test, D.W. (2014). Career Development & Transition for Exceptional Individuals (CDTEI). The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC.).

Ames, C. (2019). My Learning Curve on Learning Disabilities. Association of American Colleges & Universities.

Australian Government (2012) Workplace Diversity Strategy, Australian Government.

Banks, C. (2018). Sometimes people with learning disabilities need a hug – but support staff aren’t meant to give them. The Conversation.

Brazeau-Ward, L., (2005), Dyslexia and the Workplace, Canadian Dyslexic Centre Inc.

Brown, D., S., (2005), Job Accommodation Ideas for People with Learning Disability, Learning Disability Association of America

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Campbell, A., Gagnon, N., (2006). Literacy, Life and Employment:: An Analysis of Canadian International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). Source: The Conference Board of Canada.

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Gerber, P.J. (2012). The Impact of Learning Disabilities on Adulthood: A Review of the Evidenced-Based Literature for Research and Practice in Adult Education. Journal of Learning Disability 45: 31-46.

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Holmes, K.M., and O’Loughlin, N. (2012). The experiences of people with learning disabilities on social networking sites. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Horseman, J., Woodrow, H., editors, (2006). Focused on Practice, A Framework for Adult Literacy, Research in Canada, Harris Press

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Hutchinson, N., Munby, H., Chin, P., Stockley, D., Versnel, J., (2007) Co-operative education and Workplace Learning, SSHRC/HRSD

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Landine, J., McLuckie, A. (2006). Preparing the Adult Client for the World of Work. Canadian Council on Learning

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Madaus, J. W. (2008) Employment Self Disclosure Rates and Rationales of University Graduates with Learning Disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities

Madaus, J., Zhao, J., Ruban, L., (2008). Employment Satisfaction of University Graduates with Learning Disabilities, Sage Journals On-line

McTier, A., Macdougal, L., and McGregor, A., Hirst, A., and Rinne, S. (2016). Mapping the Employability Landscape for People with Learning Disabilities in Scotland. University of Glasgow.

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Murphy, E. (2014). Models of Support for People with Learning Disabilities Post-Secondary School. Northern Ireland Assembly.

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Schultz, J.J. (2014). Managing Social-Emotional Issues of Adults with Learning Disabilities. LDA.

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Smythe, S., Courage, D., (2007). Toward a “Whole Life” Perspective on Learning Disabilities in Adult Literacy Settings, RiPal BC

Steber, C. (2017). 11 Subtle Signs You May Have a Learning Disability as an Adult. Bustle.

Swanson, H. L., Harris, K. R., Graham, S., editors, (2006), Handbook of Learning Disabilities, Guilford Press, NY

Taylor, M. C., Ayala, G. E., (2006). The Transfer of Learning in Employer Preparation Programs for Adults with Low Literacy, CASAE 

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