Dernière mise à jour :  juin 2020

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Abedin, A. (2020). Finding Jobs and Building Careers in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond. Entrepreneur.

Ahmad, S. (2020). Coping with Job Loss and Uncertainty During COVID-19 Pandemic. Toronto Psychology Clinic.

Brooks, C. (2020). COVID-19 and Future Employment: 73.5 Million Americans Want More Pandemic-proof Jobs. ABC4

Brown, D. (2020). Coronavirus: As employers weigh layoffs, these job listings are surging due to the pandemic. Flipboard.

Campos, I. (2020). Career and Leadership Development During COVID-19. Psychology Today.

CCDF. (2020). COVID-19 and the Career Development Sector: Impacts and Recommendations. CCDF.

Ceniza-Levine, C. (2020). Should you change careers because of the pandemic. Forbes.

CERIC. (2020). Timely resources from CareerWise for career professionals navigating COVID-19. CERIC.

Chakravarty, D. (2020). Thinking about a career change during the coronavirus pandemic? Here are 8 things to consider. Economic Times.

Collins, D. (2020). How to Cope with Job Loss During COVID-19. One Medical.

Cuthbertson, M. & Ashton, E. (2020). How to maintain employee engagement and productivity during COVID-19. MaRS Discovery District.

De Jong, P. (2020). Industry Perspectives Op-Ed: Why the construction trades are the pandemic-proof career choice. Daily Commercial News.

Deschamps, T. (2020). Some Canadian Companies Embarking on Hiring Sprees Amid CPVID-19 Layoffs. The Globe and Mail.

Dickler, J. (2020). Changing careers during a pandemic. LinkedIn.

Fields, S. and Hartman, M. (2020). How many jobs will come back after the COVID-19 pandemic ends? Marketplace.

Flanagan, R. (2020). These jobs may be most in-demand in a post-pandemic Canada. CTV News

Geernaert, B. (2020). 2nd Chance Employment Counselling Still Doing Valuable Work During Pandemic. GuelphToday.

Gilgrist, K. (2020). 5 tips if you’re considering a career move during the pandemic/ CNBC

Guan, Y., Deng, H., and Zhou, X. (2020). Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on career development: Insight from cultural psychology. Journal of Vocational Behaviour. 119:103438.

Hess, A. (2020). The US economy has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic – here’s what it is like for job seekers. CNBC.

Hooley, T. (2020). “The coronavirus is a time when career guidance is desperately needed.” Educaweb.

Hopkins, S. (2020). Seven Days, Seven Ways: How Career Development Prepared Me for this Pandemic. CCDF.

Hopkins, S. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on Career Development. LMIC.

Howell, A. (2020). How to Take Control of Your Career During the Pandemic. Harvard Business Review.

Hutchinson, B. and Lehman, T. (2020). Coping with career uncertainty in the time of COVID-!9. CareerWise, CERIC.

Ibarra, H. (2020). Reinventing Your career in the Time of Coronavirus. Harvard Business Review.

Jasper, S. (2020). What are the best jobs to look for during the pandemic? Here’s what the experts say. The News and Observer.

Kelly, C. (2020). Career Planning in a Pandemic. Inside Higher Ed.

Kelly, J. (2020). How the Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers and Lives for the Foreseeable Future. Forbes.

Kuipers, S. (2020). Here are 7 career tips to help you navigate your career development during the pandemic. Young Women in Business.

McCann, M. (2020). How to prepare for the post-pandemic world of careers work. CareerWise, CERIC.

Molla, R. (2020). Not everyone is laying off workers because of coronavirus. These are the most in-demand jobs right now. VOX.

Montanez, R. (2020). How to Thrive in Your Job and Career Despite the Coronavirus Pandemic. Forbes.

Olson, V. and Swift, M. (2020). Changing Careers During the Coronavirus. Korn Ferry.

Passy, J. (2020). How to find a pandemic-proof job during the coronavirus outbreak if you’ve been laid off or furloughed. Market Watch.

Peppercorn, S. (2020). This is when you should consider switching careers during coronavirus. FastCompany.

Peterson, J. (2020). Opinion: Thinking about a new job after Coronavirus? Don’t make this giant mistake. Market Watch.

Reynolds, B. (2020). Career Development Coach Shares Tips on How to Look for Jobs During the Pandemic. Marketplace.

Robinson, L. and Smith, M. (2020). Dealing with Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Help Guide.

Sage, J. (2020). After COVID-19: reflecting on Career Options and Employment Counselling. YWCA.

Selyukh, A., Nadworny, E., Adame, D. (2020). Graduating in a Pandemic: Advice for the Anxious Post-College Job search. NPR.

Sloat, A. (2020). You are graduating in a pandemic. What’s next? Brookings.

Sparks, A. (2020). Five Ideas for a Pandemic-Proof Graduation. Education Week.

Storch, A. (2020). Challenges in remote career development during COVID-19 crisis. Advantage Performance.

The Learning Network. (2020). Graduation in a Pandemic. The New York Times.

Tubs, S. (2020). Virtual Resources for Juggling Career Goals and COVID-19 Crisis. University of Huston.

Valencia, P.B. (2020). Business as (un) usual : Career Growth During a Pandemic. Birches Group.

Washington Post Staff. (2020). The Class of 2020: Graduating into a Pandemic. The Washington Post.