Dernière mise à jour : Fèvrier 2019
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Adams, L. (2018). Talent Match. Upjohn Institute.
Akehurst, B.J. (2017). Using action research for workforce development and planning in integrated care. International Journal of Integrated Care.
Andriotis, N. (2018). The Workforce Development Strategy Tips to Make Your Staff Stand Out! Efront.
Australian Journal of Career Development. (2006). Shaping the Future: Connecting Career Development and Workforce Development-Australia Country Paper. Sage Publications.
Ayala, P. and Westphal, E. (2018). Commentary: Workforce Development Should Be a Priority for America. U.S. News.
Bernier, B., and Zavoral, J. (2017). The Benefit of Workforce Development. EDUCAUSEREVIEW.
Bersin, J. (2017). Catch the wave: The 21st-century career. Deloitte Review, issue 21.
Bhurtel, A. (2015). Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Workforce Development. Journal of Training and Development.
Bordonaro, G. (2018). Private sector must lead on workforce development. Hartford
Brosher, B. (2018). Is Indiana Taking the Right Approach to Workforce Development? Indiana Public Media.
Brouker, S.E. (2012). IMCOM Workforce Development programs boost career development. U.S. Army.
Career Advancement. (2014). Benefits of Workforce Development. Bow Valley College.
Chen, W-L, Dohrmann, T., Kerlin, M., Law, J., and Ramaswamy, S. (2018). Creating an effective system for the new economy. McKinsey & Company.
Choitz, V., Montes,M. (2016). Working Together to Strengthen America’s Immigrant Workforce: Partnerships Between Community Colleges and Immigrant Serving Organizations. The Aspen Institute.
Choon Shian, T. (2018). Workforce Singapore Launches the WSG Career Development Framework. Human Resources.
Chronus. (2019). Modernizing Employee Development for Today’s Workforce. Chronus.
Chrisinger, C. (2017). Veterans in Workforce Development: Participation and Labor Market Outcomes. Upjohn Institute.
City of Toronto. (2012). Working as One. A Workforce Development Strategy for Toronto. City of Toronto.
Clay, R. (2005). ATTC network addresses workforce development needs. SAMHSA News. Vomume 13, Number 2.
Coleman, K., Halladay, A., Smith, K. (2018). Research Workforce & Early Career Development. Health Research Alliance.
Corner, J. (2015). Career Development Challenges in Your Workplace. Insala.
Cordero-Guzman, H. (2014). Community-Based Organizations, Immigrant Low-Wage Workers, and the Workforce Development System in the United States. GCIR.
Cropley, J. (2018). Community colleges band together for workforce development. The Daily Gazette.
Dalto, J. (2017). How to Create Better Workforce Development Training. Convergence.
Damerow, B. (2018). Workforce Innovation Fund. Upjohn Institute.
Department of Education, Science & training. (2006). Shaping the Future: Connecting Career development and Workforce Development – Australia Country Paper. Australian Journal of Career Development.
Dews. F. (2013). Closing the Skills Gap through Workforce Development Policy. BROOKINGS.
Diavua, S. (2017). Investing in America’s Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Workers and Employers. Connect.
Dillender, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Skill Demand. Upjohn Institute.
Di Mantova, W.D. (2018). Workforce Development: More Than Teaching People to Fish. Training
Dixon, L. (2018). The Future of Workplace Learning. Talent Economy.
Dunham, K. (2018). Workforce Development. Social Policy Research Associates.
Eberts, R.W. (2014). Assessment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Workforce and Unemployment Insurance Provisions. Upjohn Institute.
Eberts, R.W. (2013) How Local Workforce Investment Boards Can Help Support Job Creation. Upjohn Institute.
Eberts, R.W. (2015). Toward a More Intelligent Workforce Development System. Upjohn Institute.
EDUCAUSE. (2019). Career and Workforce Development. EDUCAUSE.
Elvery, J.A. (2015). Stop Shovelling: A New Workforce Strategy to Promote Regional Prosperity. Upjohn Institute.
Erickcek, G.A. (2015). Workforce Demand Study for Construction Employees. Upjohn Institute.
ETS Workforce. (2019). Benefits of the Workforce Program for Career Development. ETS Workforce.
Evans, A.C. (2017). An Analysis of the Connection Between Workforce Development and Higher Education Within State Policy and the Sharing of Best Practices. Athens Technical College, USA.
Fallah, M., Nyenswah, T., Wiles, W., Baawo, S., Tarpeh, M. Kollie, S., (2014). Communication as the key to guide workforce development in the health sector in public stakeholder partnerships: a case study in Liberia. The Lancet, Global Health.
Francis, C.M. (2013). What We Know About Workforce Development for Low-Income Workers: Evidence, Background and Ideas for the Future. NPC.
Franz, S. (2017). How Can Business Intersect with Career Connected Learning? Washington STEM.
Fuller, J., McLaughlin, K. (2018). Making it work: Google and Walmart fund innovators in workforce development. Google.Org.
Giguère, S. (2008). More Than Just Jobs. OECD.
Gladden, J., Biniker, B. (2018). Workforce Development. School Planning & Management.
Gomez, M. (2014). How Career Development Programs Support Employee Retention. Association for Talent Development.
Government of Canada. (2017). Career and workforce development. Government of Canada.
Grey, R. (2017). Learning Cultures Drive Short and Long-Term Employee Motivation and Commitment. Great Place to Work.
Haralson, L.E. (2010). What is Workforce Development? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Harris, R., Short, T. (2014). Workforce Development: Perspectives and Issues. Springer.
Hatch, C.J., Burkhart-Kriesel, C., Sherin, K. (2018). Ramping Up Rural Workforce Development: An Extension-Centered Model. Journal of Extension, Volume 56, Number 2.
Hedge, J.W., and Rineer, J.R. (2017). Improving Career Development Opportunities Through Rigorous Career Pathways Research. RTI Press.
HealthStream (2018). Improving Healthcare Outcomes Through Workforce Development – Five New Articles. HealthStream.
Helmer, M. (2018). Improving Career Navigation Services: Considerations for the Workforce Development Community in Seattle. Seattle Jobs Initiative.
Herman, A. (2016). Workforce Development & Online Learning. AC.
Hershbein, B.J. (2017). Investing in America’s Workforce 2017. Upjohn Institute.
Hershbein, B.J. (2014). Redefining Workforce Education Supply and Demand Analysis: Final Report. Upjohn Institute.
Hollenbeck, K. (2006). Net Impact and Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Washington State’s Workforce Training System. Upjohn Institute.
Hordern, J. (2013). Workforce development, higher education and productive systems. Journal of Education and Work, Volume 27, Issue 4.
Howell, V. (2017). Workforce Development: Closing the Skills Gap Now and in the Future. Ceramic Industry.
Hughes, D., Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., Bowes, L., and Orton, M. (2005). A Systematic Literature Review of Research into Career Development Interventions for Workforce Development. Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Insala. (2018). Retaining Your Millennial Workforce with Career Development Insala.
Jamieson, K. (2012). Quick and creative tools to help youth develop workforce skills. Michigan State University.
Javits, C.I. (2017). At the Crossroads Where Economic Development, Job Creation and Workforce Development Intersect. Investment Review.
Jobs for the Future for the U.S. Department of Education. (2016). Youth Workforce Development. Jobs for the Future for the U.S. Department of Education.
Johnson, V. (2017). Workplace Wellness Programs – How to keep the momentum going. SRG Workforce training & Development.
Juniper, C.J. (2016). Behavioral Economics and Workforce Development: A Review of the Literature from Labor Economics and the Broader Field. Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development.
Kaplan, R. (2017). America Has to Close the Workforce Skills Gap. Bloomberg.
Katz, P. (2017). A Youth Centered Approach to Workforce Development. Forbes.
Keane, A. (2017). A Perspective on Workforce Development. NTEA.
Kenton, W. (2018). Human Capital. Investopedia.
King, A. (2016). The Future of Workforce Development Starts Now. Marek.
Kokemuller, N. (2019). Distinction Between Employee Development & Career Development. Chron.
Laboissiere, M., and Mourshed, M. (2017). Closing the skills gap: Creating workforce-development programs that work for everyone. McKinsey & Company.
Markel, M.W., Marquis, J.P., Schirmer, P., Robson, S., Saum-Manning, L., Hastings, K., Ley Best, K., Panis, C., Ramos, A., Bicksler, B. (2018). Career Development for the Department of Defense Security Cooperation Workforce. Rand.
Maurer, R. (2016). Employers Must Play a Role in Workforce Development. SHRM.
Mazzara, A., Horwitz, G. (2014). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Workforce Programs. Third Way.
Mentor, D. (2018). Computer-Mediated Learning for Workforce Development. IGI Global.
Messenger, B. (2018). Independent Workers Are Essential and Deserve a Fair Deal. Entrepreneur.
Montanez, R. (2018). Three Ways to Keep Employees Engaged. Forbes.
Montes, M., and Choitz, V. (2016). Improving Immigrant Access to Workforce Services Partnerships, Practices & Policies. The Aspen Institute.
MSG. (2016). Workforce Development. MSG.
Munro, E. (2018). Promoting clinical research careers through workforce development. Nursing Times.
National Research Council. (2010). Workforce Development and Career Development. National Academies Press.
NCWD, (2017). Designing Professional Development for Youth Workforce Development. National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability for Youth.
Nelson, C. (2007). Annotated Bibliography on Workplace Education. NCSALL.
O’Leary, J., Malm, S., Agarwal, S. (2018). Reinventing workforce development. Deloitte.
Parker, A. (2015). Workforce Development Is Everyone’s Business…Especially Yours. Association for Talent Development.
Razzetti, G. (2018). 5 Steps to Reigniting Career Development for Today’s Workforce. TLNT.
Rehner Iversen, R., Armstrong, A.L. (2006). Jobs Aren’t Enough: Toward a New Economic Mobility for Low-income Families. Temple University Press.
Rice, O.M., Tolbert, M.C. (2019). Career and Adult Education and Workforce Development. RTI International.
Rogers, R., (2018). One Big Sky District planners to council: To attract a workforce, ‘Billings has to change’. Billings Gazette.
Saxe-Braithwaite, Carlton, S., and Bass, B. (2009). Aligning Career Development with Organizational Goals: Working towards the Development of a Strong and Sustainable Workforce. NCBI.
Short T., Harris, R. (2014). Workforce Development: Strategies and Practices. Efront.
Simon, M. (2004). The Next Generation of Workforce Development Project: A Six-State Policy Academy to Enhance Connections Between Workforce and Economic Development Policy. DIANE Publishing.
Smith, M., Jury, A.F. (2016). Workforce Development Theory and Practice in the Mental Health Sector. IGI Global.
Sobel Blum, E. ((2017). Engaging Workforce Development. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Solberg, S.H., Rasheed Ali, S. (2017). The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development. Routledge.
Solberg, V.S., Castine, E., and Brown, B. (2014). New Dawn for Career Development: Announcing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. NCDA.
SRI International. (2018). Career Advancement Accounts for Workforce Development. SRI International.
Struwing, L. (2017). Trends and Innovations in Career Development. CPC.
Stewart, F. (2017). The STEM Dilemma: Skills that Matter. Upjohn Institute.
The Premier’s Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel. (2016). Summary of Recommendations. Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: A Shared Responsibility. Ontario Government.
Tippins, N.T., and Hilton, M.L. (2010). Workforce Development and Career Development (Chapter 6). A Database for a Changing Economy: Review of the Occupational Information Network. The National Academies Press Open Book.
Van Horn, C.E. (2015). New Labor Market Realities Require New Workforce Development Policies. Upjohn Institute.
Vickers, J. (2017). Workforce Development: The Next Generation. Business Facilities.
Wandner, S.A. (2017). Lessons Learned from Public Workforce Program Experiments. Upjohn Institute.
Wandner, S.A. and Eberts, R.W. 92015). Public workforce programs during the Great Recession. Upjohn Institute.
Whiston, S.C., Rossier, J., Hernandez Baron, P.M. (2017). The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development. Routledge Handbooks Online.
Whitter, M. (2007). Strengthening Professional Identity: Challenges of the Addictions Treatment Workforce. SAMHSA.
Williams, L., Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C.R., Edwards, S., Fisher, S., Hall, B., McCormack, B., Nutley, S.M., Seddon, D., Williams, R. (2018). Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
Wolter, N. & Ortiz, A. (2018). Trump’s Council on Workforce Development Will Help Close Skills Gap. RealClear Policy.
Wooden, J. (2013). Context and Practices of University Student Services for International Students Workforce Integration: Research-in-Brief. Canadian Journal of Career Development.
Zambito, V. (2018). Workforce Development: How EdTech Is Bridging the Skills Gap and Automating Long-Term Career Growth. Training Industry.
Zizys, T. (2018). Workforce Development, Demand-Led Strategies and the Goal of Good Jobs. Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation.
Zizys, T. (2011). Working Better Creating a High-Performing Labour Market in Ontario. Metcalf Foundation.