Formation professionnelle au Canada (en anglais)
20 mars, 2015Compétences en orientation professionnelle (en anglais)
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Évaluation et reconnaissance des acquis
Les sujets abordés comprennent:
- Meilleures pratiques en matière d’évaluation des acquis
- Apprentissage par portefeuille
- Recherche sur les acquis
- Évaluation des acquis et études postsecondaires
- Modèles et outils
Recherches Documentaires
Évaluation et Reconnaissance des Acquis
Dernière Mise à Jour : juin 2023
English Resources
Aarkrog, V., Wahlgren, B. (2015). Assessment of Prior Learning in Adult Vocational Education and Training. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, Vol.2(1): 39-58.
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Klein-Collins, R., Travers, N. (2020). Learning Recognition and the Future of Higher Education – A Vision for a Post-Pandemic Learning Ecosystem. Recognition of Prior Learning in the 21st Century. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
Mandell, A., Travers, N.L. (2016). Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning. Prior Learning Assessment Inside Out, PLAIO.
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Robertson, L.H. (2011). An Application of PLAR to the Development of the Aboriginal self : One College’s Experience. Athabasca University Press, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 12(1), 96–108.
Rogers, R.C., Forte, M. (2016). Effectively Engaging Marginalized Students in Prior Learning Assessment : A Case Study. Prior Learning Assessment Inside Out, PLAIO.
Sandberg, F. & Kubiak, C. (2013). Recognition of Prior learning, Self-Realisation and Identity within Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition. Studies in Continuing Education, Vol. 35(3):351-363 (behind paywall).
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Sheridan, I., and Linehan, M. (Eds). (2012). Recognition of Prior Learning. A Focus on Practice. Education in Employment Project.
Snyman, M., & van den Berg, G. (2018). The Significance of the Learner Profile in Recognition of Prior Learning. Adult Education Quarterly, Vol.68(1): 24–40 (behind paywall).
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Starr-Glass, D. (2016). The Thoughtful Assessment of Prior Learning: Hastening, Ensuring and Enhancing Graduation. Prior Learning Assessment Inside Out, PLAIO.
Stephens, S. (2022). Recognition of Prior Learning: Implications for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 30(4): 495-506 (behind paywall).
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Ressources Françaises
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