dernière mise à jour : février 2020

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Aenlle, K. (2017). The LGBT Issue: Trans at Work. Jobpostings

Akhtar, A. (2019). Half of LGBTQ employees say they have experienced verbal discrimination at work. Business Insider.

Anderson, R.A. (2013). Assessing the Readiness to Reveal: Resume Writing Strategies for LGBTQ Students. Nace Journal.

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Badgett, M.V.L., Durso, L.E., Kastanis, A. & Mallory, C. (2013). The Business Impact of LGBT-Supportive Workplace Policies. The Williams Institute.

Baggio, M.C. (2017). About the relation between transgender people and the organizations: new subjects for studies on organizational diversity. Science Direct.

Baksh, K. (2016). Workplace Discrimination: The LGBT Workforce. HuffPost.

Battye, G. (2019). The Most Successful LGBT Training Looks Like This. Thrive Global.

Bazilchuk, N. (2018). It is tiring to be gay in the workplace. Science Norway.

Bennett, R. (2014). LGBTQ Alumni Panel Discusses Career Development. Davidson.

Beauregard, T.A., Arevshatian, L., Booth, J.E., & Whittle, S. (2016). Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace. LSE Research Online.

Belmonte, A. (2019).  l just keep quiet’: one-third of LGBTQ employees are out at work. MSN.

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Gonzalez, M.E. (2014). School Counselor Advocacy with LGBT Students: A Qualitative Study of High School Counselor Experiences. University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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Graves, J.A. (2014). How to Manage a Job Search as a Transgender Candidate. U.S. News.

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Johnson, C. (2019). The LGBTQ Journey: Milestones & Miasma. TalentDimensions.

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Jubas, K. (2018). Ensuring equity for LGBTQ Canadians on the road. Academic Matters.

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Marshall, B.T. (2017). Bringing Ourselves to Work: A Narrative Inquiry of LGBTQ Professionals. Thesis, The Ohio State University.

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