Elderly man standing in from of logs - a video snapshot of Redirection: Movers, Shakers and Shifters


FEBRUARY 13, 2017

This documentary film examines career shift, transition and occupational change in later life. As life expectancy increases, many people are interested in an extension of working life. This film shares the stories of five people who have changed occupation at age 50 or older.

In the future, redirection is expected to increase in our society as more people transition into new occupations. The term redirection refers to a new stage of career that is emerging. Redirection is an alternative to retirement as working life is extended. This shift is occurring due to social, demographic, economic and policy changes in Canada.

The film shares people’s stories of later life work and career shifts into second or third careers. The stories of these individuals are compelling and engaging; they themselves describe the issues and challenges faced during their transition into new work. The participants explain the obstacles as well as the decisions that they made and let the audience into their personal lives. The motivations for career shift vary among the people in the film. Some people can be forced into job change during later life; some people may want to work for personal fulfillment, whereas others may need to generate an income.

The stories help the viewer to understand that later life career shifts are common. Furthermore, the film provides hope and inspiration to others regarding the transition into new occupations.

The documentary Redirection: Movers, Shakers and Shifters is one component of the national CERIC-funded Redirection: Work and Later Life Career Development initiative, also known as the Redirection Project. A Companion Guide has been developed for use with the film. Both the film and the guide are to be used by career development professionals in their work with clients age 50 and older. Included in the guide are suggestions for how to incorporate the film into one-on-one counselling or group workshops as well as recommended discussion questions. The film is designed to stimulate dialogue and discussion about the themes and issues surrounding later life career shifts, work options and transition pathways.

Redirection guide cover page

Redirection Companion Guide 497.66 KB 15099 downloads


In the News!

The 33-minute film was developed by Dr Suzanne L. Cook.  Dr Cook is a social gerontologist, an adult educator and an adjunct professor at York University in the Department of Sociology and the Centre for Aging Research and Education. She is also Faculty Fellow at the Trent Centre for Aging & Society at Trent University and Founder of the organization Carpe Vitam. of York University. You can learn more about her work at http://www.myredirection.com

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