Canadian Career Development Researcher Database

Who is doing what research in Canada?

CERIC has developed the Canadian Career Development Researcher Database to answer the question: “Who is doing what research in Canada”?

Canada is home to many leading researchers across the country, whether at universities or within community-based settings, doing important work across many areas of interest within the career development field. The database brings this rich information together in one easy-to-use searchable online resource.

Consistent with CERIC’s strategic priorities, it is our intent that by documenting researchers and the research being done in Canada, we can continue to advance knowledge in career development theory and practice, champion collaboration among diverse interestholders and facilitate conversations between career practitioners and researchers as well as among educators, employers and policymakers.

How is the database of use?

  • Researchers, students, organizations and individuals can use the database to identify potential academic and non-academic partners for future research projects.
  • They can also use it to begin to determine research already being done in Canada and how to best advance this knowledge.
  • The database is also of value as a jumping off point for those seeking to learn about the latest research in any area of career development.

In particular, anyone applying for CERIC project funding will find the database of use to determine how to proceed in building on existing research, and whether there is potential for collaboration.

How does it work?

You can search more than 50 areas of interest, by province and by institution. You can also search for keywords. Or simply browse through the list of more than 200 researchers.

How can I add my information?

CERIC will work to keep the database as current and accurate as possible. Researchers are asked to contact us to be added to the database or to have their information amended. Anyone is also welcome to reach out with a recommendation of a Canadian researcher to add by emailing CERIC’s Manager of Research Initiatives Alexandra Manoliu at

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Annett, Mike
Area(s) of Interest: Human Resources, Management, Organizational Behaviour and Work Culture
Location: Alberta
Armstrong, Hugh
Area(s) of Interest: Gender, Labour Economics and Markets, Organizational Behaviour and Work Culture
Location: Ontario
Arney, Noah
Area(s) of Interest: Career Development, Career Education, Career Planning, Post-Secondary Education, Work-Integrated Learning
Location: British Columbia
Arthur, Nancy
Area(s) of Interest: Career Development, Culture-Infused Counselling, , Transitions
Location: South Australia
Baker, Michael
Area(s) of Interest: Gender, Labour Economics and Markets
Location: Ontario
Beagan, Brenda
Area(s) of Interest: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Gender, Post-Secondary Education, Work and Occupations
Location: Nova Scotia
Beaucher, Chantale
Area(s) of Interest: Career Development
Location: Quebec
Bedard, Jean-Luc
Area(s) of Interest: Career Change, Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-cultural and Racialized Groups, Standards and Guidelines, Work-Integrated Learning
Location: Quebec
Bélisle, Rachel
Area(s) of Interest: Adult Education, Career Tools, Professional Development, Transitions
Location: Quebec
Bell, Donnalee
Area(s) of Interest: Labour Economics and Markets, Youth
Location: Ontario
Bengaly, Marcelline
Area(s) of Interest: Counselling Identity, Identity and Self-esteem, Post-Secondary Education, Transitions
Location: Quebec
Benjamin, Amanda
Area(s) of Interest: Adult Education, Employment, Labour Economics and Markets, Transitions
Location: New Brunswick
Berdhal, Loleen
Area(s) of Interest: Career Education, Transitions
Location: Saskatchewan
Bernes, Kerry
Area(s) of Interest: Career Development, Career Education, Mental Health, Youth
Location: Alberta
Betcherman, Gordon
Area(s) of Interest: Demographics, Labour Economics and Markets,
Location: Ontario
Bezanson, Lynne
Area(s) of Interest: Career Development, Evaluation, Labour Economics and Markets, Standards and Guidelines
Location: Ontario
Bhuyan, Rupaleem
Area(s) of Interest: Gender, Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-cultural and Racialized Groups,
Location: Ontario
Blanchard, Taryn
Area(s) of Interest: Culture-Infused Counselling, Work and Occupations
Location: Ontario
Block, Sheila
Area(s) of Interest: Labour Economics and Markets
Location: Ontario
Bockarie, Abu
Area(s) of Interest: Adult Education, Assessment, Vocational Training, Work-Integrated Learning
Location: Ontario