Le nouveau numéro de RCDC met l’accent sur les travailleurs vieillissants, les sportifs de haut niveau et l’engagement des étudiants diplômés
18 septembre, 2023Un rapport révèle 10 mégatendances qui façonneront le travail et les carrières en 2040
3 octobre, 2023FREE SIMULIVE* SERIES
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (Check your time zone)
The climate crisis not only creates new environmental, economic and societal problems, but exacerbates pre-existing inequalities and inequities of our present world. To address this pressing issue, there is a growing demand for a just transition that can effectively tackle the evolving challenges of our changing world while leaving no one behind.
A just transition requires that all individuals have access to decent work, regardless of their station in life. Presently some jobs are celebrated while others result in physical and emotional harm, leaving those workers disengaged from society and despairing.
Career development professionals can play a key role in changing this narrative and working collectively towards a more sustainable future and a just transition. By advocating for and empowering clients to pursue decent work from their employers and their society, they can contribute to a more equitable future for all.
Why Career Practitioners Should Attend
Career development professionals traditionally provide career management and self-exploration skills, helping the client better adapt to the social structures around them. There is also an acknowledgement of equity/diversity/inclusion, but rarely do we discuss how to empower client-centered change in employers.
In the webinar series, we will discuss the intersections between decent work and climate/sustainability, and explore how these issues disproportionately impact vulnerable groups, including refugees, Indigenous communities and students – often the most affected by the rapidly changing dynamics of our world. This practical two-part webinar series will go through concrete strategies to empower clients through consciousness raising, negotiation skills and awareness of labour law, while fostering a collaboration between employers and employees.
Cross-cultural approaches will be highlighted along with real-life case examples of how CDPs can effectively support their clients to pursue decent work and improve the quality of their lives. This will involve the application of various social justice principles including those from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, in the work of career development professionals.
By the end of the webinar series, participants will feel better equipped and will leave with a list of resources, strategies and techniques to create positive impacts in your clients’ lives amidst a changing planet.
Webinar #1: Decent Work – Defining and developing a more equitable world
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET
- Defining decent work as a justice issue and how it relates to various theories
- Raising awareness among clients of inequities in employment
- Principles of labour and strategies for creating change within the workplace
- Considering a holistic approach to decent work from Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit
- Case studies in cross-cultural and Indigenous contexts
Webinar #2: Decent Work - Practical tools for advancing equitable work for our clients
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET
- Framing our position and responsibilities as career practitioners
- Applying career theories to the TRC’s Calls to Action
- Ideas and conversational reframes to explore with clients
- Additional case studies in cross-cultural and Indigenous contexts
Trevor Lehmann (MEd, CCC) is President of the Climate-Informed Counsellors Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and a Career Consultant with the University of Manitoba. You can read his open-access Imperfect Guide to Career and Climate and other writings at https://trevorlehmann.ca.
Brian Malott (CHRL, BGS) is the Indigenous Carer Consultant with Fanshawe College and a Designing Your Life Certified Coach. You can learn more at chasingdreams.ca.