Upcoming webinar: Military to Civilian Transitions – What Career Practitioners Need to Know | Monday, May 5, 2025 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET | Yvonne Rodney, Jordan Camarda, Vanessa Walsh, Paul Szabunio, Dwayne L. Cormier & Sherman Neil

Author(s) Yvonne Rodney
Publisher CERIC
ISBN 978-1-988066-88-2


Military 2 Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner’s Guide, 2nd Edition is an essential resource for understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in supporting veterans to successfully transition to civilian employment. With over 450,000 veterans in Canada and more than 8,000 military members transitioning out of service annually, the demand for effective support has never been higher.

Career coaches, counsellors, HR professionals and hiring managers working with veterans and military families will benefit from this specialized resource guide. This updated edition reflects recent changes within the Canadian military ecosystem and provides the latest tools, strategies and insights to help professionals support transitioning military members into civilian roles or further education.

Key topics include:

  • Understanding military culture and transition challenges
  • Strategies for “demilitarizing” resumes to translate military experience into civilian terms
  • Trends in occupations suited to veterans’ skills
  • Lists of veteran-friendly employers, education providers and training resources
  • Supporting the often-overlooked career development needs of military families

Get Your Copy

  • Download the free epdf
  • Print: $24.95 via Amazon.ca (Available January 27, 2025)
  • Purchase bulk copies (10 or more) through CERIC at 30% off. Contact sales@ceric.ca with any questions
  • $16.99 via Kindle (coming soon)

About the Author

Authored by career development expert Yvonne Rodney, the guide incorporates the latest evidence-based research but is written in a conversational style, drawing on interviews with current and former service members.

The guide is published by CERIC in consultation and collaboration with the Canadian Armed Forces Transition GroupVeterans Affairs CanadaMilitary Family Services as well as the Chief of Reserves and Employer Support, military-friendly employers and educators, and front-line career professionals.

Publishing of the guide was made possible in part by the generous contributions of Knowledge Champions.


Sue Watts, Executive Director, Employment + Education Centre, Brockville, ON 

“Really appreciate being able to better understand military culture and life – to me this is key for career development professionals who do not have military experience. The models/theories, including Solution Focused and Strength-based coaching, are great and give CDPs practical and probing questions and tools. Excellent content on working with employers. I love this new edition! After 30 years as a CDP, I learned so much reading it.

Colonel (Ret’d) Kevin Cameron, Former Deputy Commander, Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group / Founder of Military Transition Engagement & Partnerships (MTEP) 

Since the groundbreaking publication of the 1st Edition, the military-to-veteran transition landscape has changed significantly across both the public and private sectors in Canada. This updated 2nd Edition aptly captures this newer environment and will continue to serve as a valuable resource for career practitioners and other professionals involved in supporting transitioning military personnel and their families.”

Elaine Piper, Career Transition Advocate – Canadian Military Community, Halifax, NS

“I found the tone conversational and enjoyed reading the content. There is extensive information and resources provided – a must-have resource for career practitioners working with any member of the military community. As a career professional, the career theories and resources discussed were helpful. The actual stories from veterans and spouses about their transition made the content relatable.”

Colonel G.J. Blais, Director Casualty Support Management and Commanding Officer Joint Personnel Support Unit, Canadian Armed Forces

“Reading through this Career Practitioner’s Guide on Military to Civilian Employment gives me great comfort that the education and research community is moving to mobilize precious resources to better understand the men and women who have dedicated their youth to serve our great nation. I salute all the artisans behind this superb initiative.”

Faith McIntyre, Director General, Policy and Research Division, Strategic Policy and Commemoration Branch, Veterans Affairs Canada

“One in every 50 working-age adults in Canada is a veteran. This practitioner’s guide reveals the particular challenges they face as they transition from a military to a civilian career. Veterans Affairs Canada is proud to support this guide. Thank you for helping Canada’s veterans on their career transition journey.”

Paula Wischoff Yerama, CCDP, Executive Director, Career Development Association of Alberta

“Having spent the past several years delivering career transition services to military members and veterans I am confident that this guide will be a valuable resource for anyone who chooses to, or finds themselves, in the privileged position of supporting and assisting veterans and their families. This much-needed resource does a remarkable job of helping career professionals understand military culture in a quick, easy-to-read format.”

In the News

Read Talent Canada article about the guide: “New guide to help HR practitioners support veterans transitioning to civilian employment,” February 26, 2025

Read CTV News article about the guide: “Revamped guide helps former veterans transition careers after military service,” February 18, 2025

Read Toronto Sun article about the guide: “MISSION POSSIBLE: Helping veterans build civilian careers,” February 12, 2025

Read The Maple Leaf (Department of National Defence) article about the guide and Cannexus25 launch: “CAF TG at Cannexus25: Leading the Way in Military Transition Support,” February 3, 2025

Listen to iHeart Radio interview about the guide: “Yvonne Rodney – Career Development professional and author “Military to Civilian Employment, a Career Practitioner’s Guide,” January 28, 2025

Listen to CBC Listen – Ontario Morning with Nav Nanwa interview about the guide: “Work strategies for veterans after returning to civilian life,” January 27, 2025

Watch CTV News Ottawa report on the guide’s launch: “Guide to help military vets transition to workplace,” January 25, 2016

Watch Radio-Canada‘s report on the guide’s launch: “Un nouvel outil pour aider d’anciens militaires à réintégrer le marché du travail,” January 26, 2016

Read The Globe and Mail article about the guide: “Many veterans turn to counselling to move from battlefield to boardroom,” February 20, 2016