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June 12, 1999Upcoming Events
September 12, 1999If your clients are considering adding the letters “MBA” behind their names, they might want to look at the October 29 issue of Canadian Business Magazine (Volume 72, Issue 17) for the Best MBAs 1999 report. This year there is a lot of coverage of Executive MBA’s (the highly respected crash course your boss usually pays for), a report on new technology-oriented programs in Hamilton and Saint John, and a case-study competition for those who want to test their business acumen before they actually enroll in a program. All this in addition to the usual rankings, a grid comparing prices of schools, average salary increases and more. Good bedside reading for those who want to find out a little more about the degree. Some articles are available
Betrayed by Work? Or Inspired? You can choose your cover when you pick up the November issue of Fast Company Magazine (though the content between the covers is all the same). Included are the results of a worldwide survey asking all the pertinent questions. A feature profiling individuals who have completely reinvented their careers may be particularly useful for career development practitioners. Jazz musician/philosophy professor to management consultant, criminal prosecutor to video-game producer, sportscaster to financial consultant? The world of work sure is changing!