The 5P career conversation was developed by Kris Magnusson (Dean of Education, Simon Fraser University) several years ago, and we have used it to great effect in a variety of settings. The idea is to start with a client’s strength (Pride), and draw from it their core motivations (Passion). Then, the conversation looks for opportunities to harness this passion in fairly immediate, practical ways (Purpose) and make sure everything is needed to capture the purpose effectively (Performance). The conversation ends with ensuring the client has a means by which they can gauge effectiveness and get feedback so that they can confidently know they are successful (Poise).
Presenter: Dave Redekopp, PhD, President, Life-Role Development Group Ltd.
Dave gets to do almost everything in career development – teaching, group counselling, product development, research, model-building, consulting – by virtue of being President of the Life-Role Development Group Ltd. Too much fun, really.