While definitions vary, social enterprises are businesses or non-profits that seek to achieve social, cultural, environmental or community economic goals through selling goods or services that generate revenue. Often in the realm of career development, social enterprise involves creating training or employment opportunities for marginalized populations. CERIC’s latest literature search explores the implications of social entrepreneurship research and practice in relation to career development.

Topics covered in the Social Enterprise and Career Development literature search include:

  • Research on contemporary meanings of social enterprise
  • Emerging trends and case studies on social entrepreneurship
  • Careers in social enterprise
  • Social enterprise and diversity
  • Social enterprise and women’s empowerment
  • Measuring social impact in social enterprise

There are a total of 38 literature searches now available, including Career Development Theory and Career Management Models, Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Parental Involvement in Career Development, Labour Market Trends, Mental Health Issues in the Workplace, and more.

Featuring comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, literature searches highlight critical points of current knowledge.

As a student, academic or practitioner in the field, literature searches are helpful if you are researching the latest thinking or proven best practices. They are also valuable if you are considering a submission to CERIC for project partnership funding in order to gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.

View all of the literature searches.