Upcoming Events
December 1, 1997Orientation to Trades and Technology Curriculum and Resource Book: A way in for women
December 14, 1997By Liz Igoe
Youth at Work
We at Operation Springboard are pleased and excited to introduce our newest employment program. This program, Youth At Work, an HRDC at risk youth assessment centre, is an enhancement to our already existing employment programs. Youth At Work is funded by HRDC and is run in partnership with Centennial College and the Scarborough YMCA.
This program has been designed to meet the needs of those youth that need added support to find and keep employment. In order to be eligible for this service, youth must be employable, between the ages of 15 and 30. Those most suitable for this program will be unemployed or have never worked. These youth are experiencing numerous barriers to employment such as a criminal record, issues with substance or other abuse, housing problems and low self-esteem.
Our program offers an in depth assessment with 1:1 counselling as well as a job developer and job coach. Each participant will attend a two to three week series of specially designed workshops that include job search, resume preparation, interview skills, labour market information and life/essential skills. The workshops are designed to be flexible and client centred to ensure that each participant is able to learn and practice new skills with guidance and support. Numerous agencies, organizations and individuals have identified that there is a gap in programming that needs to be filled. Youth At Work will fill that gap.
For more information contact Liz Igoe at 416-757-4181.
Liz Igoe
Youth Outreach Worker
Operation Springboard
By Laura Kerr
Mahjetahwin Meekunaung
The Mahjetahwin Meekunaung project is about the development of an Anishinabek interactive multi-media Career Learning Program for individuals, counsellors, teachers and others involved in the process of planning or assisting others who are making a career, employment or education decision.
The Mahjetahwin Meekunaung project has four main areas of development:
- Web-site Development
- Career Education Resource Development
- Employer and First Nation Job Title Development, and
- Career and Employment Practitioner Training and circle Development
The core component of this culture based program focuses on the exploration of skills, values, interests and provides goal-setting, decision-making and self-analysis exercises. Activities and assessments are geared to individuals in a wide range of age levels i.e., child (Values), youth (Visioning), adult (Attainment) and elder (Guidance) to stimulate the interest of a wide audience of users and to encourage the concept of career planning as a life long process.
To support the need for relevant career and educational information, a database of future employment trends in First Nations, job titles, employers and educational institutes would be a key area for development. The final product includes an extensive and interactive web-site, computer software, print and video resources, counsellors and educators who are trained to effectively manage and facilitate the project components.
For more information on the Mahjetahwin Meekunaung project, please contact Laura Kerr at (705) 497-9127.
Laura Kerr
Anishinabek Educational Institute