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June 14, 1998Hot Sites
September 1, 1998Jobs for Youth
Vocational Pathways is pleased to announce a new Youth Initiative called JOBS FOR YOUTH. It is designed to assist youth between the ages of 16 and 29 years to secure appropriate and meaningful employment which offers long-term potential and the opportunity for growth and skill development. The programme is scheduled to run from September, 1998 to September 1999, with is general focus being in the Greater Toronto Area.
This programme offers a unique approach in that Vocational Pathways has identified Employers who are willing to hire youth, in entry level positions, following a pre-screening process which identifies them as the “right fit” for their organization.
This initiative is intended to respond to young people who have incomplete education, limited employment skills and who are experiencing significant difficulty achieving gainful employment.
The Programme Components are as follows:
- Assessment of Work-Related Skills, Abilities and Interests
- Exploration of the Current Labour Market
- Resume Writing Skills and Job Interview Techniques
- Job Matching and Job Placement Assistance
- Follow-up and Support for Participants and Employers
Vocational Pathways is located at 1 Yorkdale Road, Suite 212, Toronto, Ontario, M6A 3A1.
For More Information on this Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) sponsored, free of charge service, please feel free to phone Elaine, Darrell or Cathy at (416) 784-9541 (or e-mail at VOCPATHWAYS@GLOGALSERVE.NET).