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March 1, 1999By Rod Paynter, The Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations (CALSCA)
Life Skills are problem solving behaviours used appropriately and responsibly in the management of one’s affairs. The Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations (CALSCA) is committed to the belief that all individuals are entitled to learn the Life Skills necessary for personal and social development. We support and promote professional excellence in Life Skills Coaching – Personally, Regionally and Nationally. The seeds of CALSCA were planted in 1993 at the annual conference of the Association of Life Skills Coaches of Ontario. At that conference we realized that there were coaches attending from eight provinces, so we had a special inter-provincial meeting and put together a small budget for a newsletter.
In 1994 we met in Saskatoon, SK and developed our mission statement and the name Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations. Since then coaches from across Canada have met annually to support the ideal of personal and professional excellence in coaching. CALSCA’s history can be followed by reading the minutes of the AGMs that are in the CALSCA website. The website contains information on ethics, accreditation, coaching contacts, employment, Life Skills links, training and more.
AGMs have been held in Saskatchewan (twice), Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta. The 1999 AGM will be held in Prince George, BC, May 21 to 24, and is open to anyone with an interest in Life Skills and Life Skills coaching (AGM contact is Colleen Zeller,tapestry@netbistro.com).
To learn more about CALSCA, check our website, or send email to info@calsca.com .