Upcoming Events
December 14, 1998Upcoming Events
March 1, 1999By Heather Sterling
CAETO – An overview
The Canadian Alliance of Education and Training Organizations (CAETO)/Alliance canadienne des organismes d’éducation et de formation (ACOEF) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, “umbrella” association of national education and training organizations, that provides its members with opportunities to identify and build partnerships related to education and training policies and programs.
To this end, CAETO/ACOEF’s activities include information sharing, networking and collaborative work among its members and with other education/training stakeholders (e.g., governments, foundations and regional, national and international business/labour/community groups).
CAETO/ACOEF is governed by a Board of representatives of its member associations. Presently, membership includes the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, the Association of Universities and College of Canada, the Canadian Association for Adult Education, the Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment, the Canadian Coalition of Community Based Trainers, the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, the Canadian School Boards Association, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, the Movement for Canadian Literacy and the National Association of Career Colleges. CAETO/ACOEF’s administrative office provides support to the overall work of the Alliance, and to its projects, which may include non-member organizations as participants.
Both CAETO/ACOEF’s general administration and its projects are funded through member contributions (cash and/or in-kind) and by external grants/contributions by non-member entities.
For more information on CAETO/ACOEF, please contact:
Heather Sterling, Administrator
107 Erin Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario
K1V 9Z3
Telephone: (613) 731-8920
Facsimile: (613) 731-4441
E-mail: hsterling@sympatico.ca
Dr. Jacquelyn Thayer Scott, Chair
President & Vice-Chancellor,
University College of Cape Breton
P.O. Box 5300
Cape Breton RM, Nova Scotia
B1P 6L2
Telephone: (902) 563-1333
Facsimile: (902) 562-0273
E-mail: jscott@uccb.ns.ca