Emotional Intelligence at Work: Part 3, Inter-Personal Effectiveness
September 1, 2000Hot Sites
September 12, 2000By Pat Harper
Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type (OAAPT)
The Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type (OAAPT) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting an understanding of personality type, and the effective and ethical applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI®) and other related instruments. OAAPT is the Ontario chapter of the Association for Psychological Type (APT).
Membership is open to anyone interested in personality type, or using the MBTI® and willing to support the aims of the Association. (It is not necessary to be qualified to administer the MBTI® in order to be a member.) OAAPT members have a wide variety of interests including: Career Planning & Occupations, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Education, Management & Organizational Development, Psychological Theory & Research, Religious & Spiritual Issues, Multicultural & International Issues, and Workshops/Lectures/Facilitation. Almost three-quarters of the membership are interested in type for Career Planning, Management and Organizational Development.
OAAPT members enjoy reduced fees to the annual conference which features experts in the field of personality, a subscription to the Tell~A~Type newsletter, advance notice of OAAPT and APT activities, information on how to join the OAAPT List Serve, a listing in the annual OAAPT Membership Directory, and an opportunity to share, learn and network with like-minded people. For further information about OAAPT, please call us at 905-760-1339 or send an email to OAAPT@hotmail.com . We would love to hear from you!
Pat Harper is a Business Development Consultant with Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc. and Vice President of the Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type.