Book Club
September 1, 2002Other Diversity Articles and Websites
September 1, 2002Career Development eManual
The third edition of this internationally acclaimed website from the Co-op Education & Career Services University of Waterloo is better than ever, with over 20 posted testimonials from students, professionals and career practitioners, all of whom claim that it is one of the best out there. The site is so well laid out and user-friendly that is hard to dispute the praise. Based on a 6-step model, the user can research, or work on, aspects of career development including self-assessment, research, decision-making, networks and contacts and life/ work planning.
Eye-friendly graphics and drop-down menus make exploring this site quick and easy. Additional resources and links make it a thorough career planning option on the web. Each page allows the user to view as normal page and print, download to desktop as Adobe (PDF) file or download and work on a page as a Microsoft Word file. Having three view/ work options for every page definitely adds to the user-friendliness of this site.
Inspirational quotations on many pages keep the reader wanting to go further, and the step-by-step model allows for entry and exploration at any stage. If you haven’t had a look at this site recently make sure you do, for chances are you, or your clients, will benefit from its well thought out design and ease of application.
Review by: James Vandervoort – Practicum Student with Contact Point
George Brown College, Career & Work Counsellor Program