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December 12, 2004The Job Market – A Balanced Perspective
June 1, 2005From the Atlantic Region
A new interactive board game, called The Career Learning Game, for use with Inuit students in Labrador was recently unveiled in St. John’s. It was developed by the Labrador Inuit Association in partnership with Memorial’s Department of Career Development and Experiential Learning and the Counselling Foundation of Canada. The Career Learning Game helps youth explore and learn about different career paths, and the education requirements needed for different career options
Find out more about the Career Learning Game at:
The Canadian Counselling Association is holding its annual national conference in St. John’s from May 24-27. This year’s theme is “The Roots of Resilience”. Complete details can be accessed at https://www.ccac.ca/.
Lisa Russell is the Seniors Arts Career Development Coordinator at Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is the Atlantic Regional Voices Representative.
From Quebec
Have you heard about the new “Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning” (GOAL) developed by the Quebec school boards? This new approach follows the Quebec Government’s decision to drop courses in career choices education from the curriculum. Students still have to go through some vocational reflections, but now there is no separate time, nor specific administrator devoted to this exercise. All teachers and other professionals in the school system can participate in some GOAL activities.
Relevant information on the Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning is available in English at http://www.learnquebec.ca/goal1. However, because the Guidance-Oriented Approach (“l’approche orientante” as it better known) was initially developed at the French-language school boards, most resources are in French. Francophone readers can read more about l’approche orientante in the Spring Issue of the OrientAction Bulletin, to be released in May.
While Quebec was the first Canadian province to apply the GOAL, over the last couple of years New Brunswick has adapted the program and Ontario is now beginning implementation on an experimental basis. Stay tuned for more developments!
Nathalie Perreault is the Program and Content Manager for OrientAction