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September 1, 2006Upcoming Events
September 1, 2006From the Atlantic Region
Dining Etiquette Workshop
The Department of Career Development & Experiential Learning, in collaboration with Alumni Affairs & Development at Memorial University, held its 2nd annual on campus Dining Etiquette Workshop, titled “Dining Your Way up the Corporate Ladder” on February 27, 2006. This event is designed to help students learn the dos and don’ts of dining etiquette, and give them the opportunity to interact with Memorial Alumni leaders in the community who served as table hosts. Participation was completely voluntary and students purchased tickets to the event at a nominal fee to enjoy a spectacular four course meal. A variety of academic backgrounds were present at each table, and the pre-arranged seating ensured each table consisted of diverse academic backgrounds which encouraged interesting topics of discussion and sharing of different experiences with the Alumni host.
Overall the evening was a great success and as a result, a third event will be planned for Fall 2006 during Canada Career Week. Both students and alumni learned the etiquette of fine dining, the importance of this knowledge as part of the career development process and to enjoy and make the most of such opportunities as they arise. If you would like further information on this initiative please contact
Lynn Walsh is the Graduation Transition Coordinator at the Centre for Career Development, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has been working in the field of career development for 4 years, on various initiatives working with students, graduates and employers. She has also presented nationally on a variety of career related topics. Lynn has been a member of CACEE since 2002 and currently sits on the National Membership Committee and Atlantic Regional Board. She currently holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree.