A Difference of Ability: Recruiting, Hiring and Employing People with Disabilities
November 13, 2006Publications + Products
December 4, 2006The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE)
The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) is a national association of community-based service providers and stakeholders who are active and invested in employment for persons with disabilities. This association seeks to promote and enhance the field of Supported Employment (defined as the process of facilitation around career exploration, job placement, retention and career development for persons with disabilities). CASE strives to improve labour market participation and outcomes, as well as social inclusion for Canadians with disabilities.
CASE is a registered society under the Societies Act which achieves its goals through…
- The operation of Canada’s only national web-site devoted to Supported Employment. The site provides resources, news, and opportunities for information sharing for, stakeholders, employers, people with disabilities and Community Service Providers. (www.supportedemployment.ca)
- The development and promotion of service standards or “Best Practices” in the Supported Employment Field in order to provide organizations across the nation with a base-line for effective service provision and sound protocols for service delivery. Through this, increased outcomes and inclusion are facilitated.
- An annual National Conference which highlights new initiatives and innovative practices in the field. The conference provides professional development and information sharing opportunities for professionals and stakeholders. The most recent conference was held in Toronto and the next will be in Calgary, Alberta from November 07 – 09, 2007.
All activities to date have been accomplished by a volunteer board of directors representing at least eight different provinces and territories. All CASE resources are derived solely from its network, membership and annual conference revenues.
Quite simply, CASE, and its members are increasing employment participation for Canadians with disabilities.
As an employment service provider, your membership and involvement in this national association is of significant mutual benefit. CASE offers the opportunity for your organization to join in a united national voice for our profession. As a member, your organization will be listed on our web-site. This effectively connects the business community directly to you through CASE promotions. Members also receive access to “member-contributed” documents on the CASE website such as Job Descriptions, Spread Sheets, Policies and Procedures, Intake Forms etc. These documents are available as templates for members to customize and use as they require. A final benefit to members includes special reduced rates for the National Supported Employment Conference which is scheduled to be held in Calgary, Alberta in November 2007.
Organizational memberships are $100 per year.
For more information e-mail info@supportedemployment.ca