New webinars: Positive Psychology for Career Counsellors and Coaches
August 28, 2012Teaching and Learning Career Development Practice: Students’ Perspective of Blended Learning
September 1, 2012Virtual Cannexus
You may purchase a single session or a full package.
Cannexus12 attendees receive a 15% discount until May 31 on Virtual Cannexus. Please use promo code: XLSLAM.
Access is for two years. Special rate for members of Cannexus12 Supporting Organizations.
Careers in Oil and Gas
Information for graduates, employers, teachers, career counsellors and parents on careers in the oil and gas industry, a sector that employs over 500,000 people, directly and indirectly in Canada. Resources include labour market information, training, working conditions, occupational summaries and jobs.
Canada Works 2025
What should decision-makers do today to best position Canadian workplaces for success in 2025? In this report, Deloitte Canada and the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) partnered to address this question by developing detailed scenarios depicting what Canadian society might look like in 2025.
New Tool Aids Deaf Students Moving into Post-Secondary, Workforce
The Canadian Hearing Society has developed a tool to aid deaf or hard of hearing students to prepare for the transitional phase from high school to post-secondary education or the workforce.
Manual and Discussion Guide for Internationally Trained Psychologists
The goal of this guide is to increase the number of practicing counselling professionals with language and cultural proficiency to effectively serve newcomers.
A free online library of careers related film, news and information, based in the UK. Its case study films show real people doing real jobs across all sectors and aim to inform both careers advisers and job- seekers.