What’s New
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018
In Canada, 1 out of 7 people who work has a trade certificate.
Source: 1996 Census of Canada, Statistics Canada
According to recent trade grads: 93% are satisfied with their current jobs; 73% would make the same educational choice again.
Job Futures 2000, Human Resources Development Canada
Approximately 177,700 people were registered in trades apprenticeship training programs in 1998.
Statistics Canada, The Daily. September 19, 2000.
As of January 1, 2000 a total of 317,488 Red Seals have been issued to skilled workers across Canada. This averages out in excess of 11,600 Red Seals issued per year for the last five years.
CCDA newsletter November 2000
Newfoundland has 600-700 new apprentice positions per year.
The Apprenticeship System in Newfoundland and Labrador, pdf report,
North West Territories apprenticeship training occurs at the rate of 19.5 apprentices per thousand within the active labour force, double the national average. Over the next 10 years, 14,000 jobs will become available in the construction sector alone in NWT
CCDA Newsletter, June 2001
www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/hrib/hrp-prh/redseal/english/ccda/ccdaJune01/news01_e.shtml – news011
The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) is working to plan a National Apprenticeship Conference in 2002. This Conference will build on the momentum from the two previous apprenticeship conferences and will provide a venue and meeting place for the entire apprenticeship community. 613-235-4004
CCDA Newsletter, June 2001
With only 9% of Canada’s population, Alberta trains 19% of the country’s apprentices. Emerging occupations in Alberta are Steel Detailer and 29 new occupations in oilfield service, supply and manufacturing.
Update Apprenticeship News June 2001
There is a serious shortage of skilled workers in the Pulp and Paper industry. 49% of their trades people could retire within 3 years. There are currently only 123 apprentices. Report from The Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union and the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada (CEP_PPWC) gives detailed info on how many apprentices and workers eligible to retire in various sectors.
BC Ministry of Advanced Education Training and Technology has a target of creating 50,000 new apprenticeships in the next 4 years
In the next two decades, 40% of new jobs will be in the skilled trades and technologies. In 1998, that number was less than 20%.
Skills Canada
Many more people in the skilled trades are retiring than are entering the system. The hardest-hit industries will be manufacturing, construction, petroleum production and transportation.
Skills Canada
The Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association forecasts a 42% vacancy rate for skilled trades by 2007 — nearly 34,000 jobs but only 20,000 skilled workers will be available.
Skills Canada
Skilled tool and die makers in the Windsor area — with overtime factored in — can quite easily average $100,000 annually.
Canadian Machinery and Metalworking, June 2000
Unions may have training programs as well. Check their website, newsletter or local office.
Women may be able to find information on apprenticeship through organizations for women in non-traditional trades.
Don’t forget apprenticeships in fine arts. These are not regulated, but have a long tradition. Some are formal, such as EQUITY and ACTRA for performing artists, and others are informal as in professional development arts grants for visual artists.