What’s New
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018Need more info? Here are some contacts:
Under the terms of the Canadian Constitution, each province and territory has the responsibility for apprenticeship training. The legislation permits each jurisdiction to designate occupations for apprenticeship.
General information: contact the Department of Advanced Education and Career Development – central office, phone (403) 427-8765, www.tradesecrets.org
British Columbia
General inquiries: contact the Ministry of Education – Skills and Training Division, (250) 387-4611 or the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology, at www.gov.bc.ca/aett/
For information on apprenticeship contact the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission, www.aved.gov.bc.ca/industrytraining/
For information on training programs and locations throughout the province, contact the Ministry of Labour – College & Institutional Planning Branch, (250) 356-8382
General information: contact the Department of Education and Training, www.gov.mb.ca/educate/index.html
For information on apprenticeship and trades training contact the Apprenticeship Division, (204) 945-3337 or www.gov.mb.ca/educate/apprent/
New Brunswick
General information: contact the Department of Education, (506) 453-3678. For information on apprenticeship programs contact The Department of Advanced Education and Labour – Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification at (506) 453-2260.
General information: contact the Department of Education and Training, (709) 729-5097, career information for apprenticeship hotline, 1-800-563-6600. www.edu.gov.nf.ca/division/ineducat/instined.htm
North West Territories
General information: contact the Department of Education, Culture and Employment Government of the Northwest Territories, (867) 920-3422
Nova Scotia
General information contact the Department of Education and Culture, (902) 424-5605. http://apprenticeship.ednet.ns.ca
General information: contact the Department of Education, (867) 857-3050
General information: contact the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, (416) 325-2929 for local calls, or 1-800-387-5514, www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/training/apprenticeship/appren.html For list of Apprenticeship offices call the Training Hotline at (416) 326-5656 or 1-800-387-5656.
Prince Edward Island
General information: contact the Office of Higher Education Training and Adult Learning, (902) 368-5988 or see www.gov.pe.ca/infopei/Government/GovInfo/Education_and_Learning/Continuing_Education_and_Training/
For information on apprenticeship programs contact the Department of Education – Higher Education and Training, Apprenticeship Training Officer – (902) 368-4464.
Le ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale www.mess.gouv.qc.ca
General Inquiries: contact Saskatchewan Department of Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training, phone (306)787-2010 or in Saskatoon, phone (306)933-5027. Apprenticeship training questions: Department of Apprenticeship and Trade Certification, phone (306) 787-2439 or www.sasked.gov.sk.ca
General Information: contact the Department of Education www.education.gov.yk.ca
and web links:
Aboriginal Participation in Apprenticeship:
Making it Work!
Report of the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Projects Steering Committee (CLFDB, CCDA, HRDC, IAABC and the Aboriginal community), June 1999, ISBN 1-895813-76-X.
Apprenticeship in Canada: An Overview,
presentation made at the 1999 National Apprenticeship Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba by Doug Muir, Director of Apprenticeship for the province of Saskatchewan, June 1999. Copies available through the CCDA Secretariat at 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 5th Floor HULL, K1A 0J9
Email: redseal-sceaurouge.response-reponse@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
CCDA Newsletter
Winter 2001 issue. Available through the CCDA Secretariat at 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 5th Floor HULL, K1A 0J9
Ellis Chart:
Comparative chart of over 200 apprenticeship training programs offered in each jurisdictions. Available in the fall of 2001 through the Red Seal website www.red-seal.ca
Email: redseal-sceaurouge.response-reponse@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
National Occupational Analyses:
Series of publications detailing the tasks accomplished by journeypersons within individual trades or occupations. Available through the Red Seal website www.red-seal.ca
Email: redseal-sceaurouge.response-reponse@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
Opportunity Knocks:
8-page publication hi-lighting career opportunities in the trades. To order copies: opportunityknocks@realm.net
Red Seal Website
Official site of the Interprovincial Standards ‘Red Seal’ Program; various publications, such as the Ellis Chart and National Occupational Analyses, can be ordered through this site. As well, the site contains information on the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) and the apprenticeship system in Canada.
Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF):
Newly established committee whose membership includes representatives from business, labour, education and equity (persons with disabilities, women, visible minorities and aboriginal peoples) groups. For more information please contact the CAF office at 116 Albert Street, Suite 701, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G3. Telephone: (613) 235-4004 e-mail: info@caf-fca.org.
(Listed by official trade numbers)
1. Boilermaker
2. Bricklayer
3. Carpenter
4. Construction Electrician
5. Cook
6. Heavy Duty Equipment Technician
7. Industrial Electrician
8. Industrial Instrument Mechanic
9. Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)
10. Powerline Technician
11. Machinist
12. Motor Vehicle Body Repairer (Metal and Paint)
13. Automotive Service Technician
14. Oil Burner Mechanic
15. Painter and Decorator
16. Plumber
17. Electronics Technician (Consumer Products)
18. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
19. Sheet Metal Worker
20. Sprinkler System Installer
21. Steamfitter/Pipefitter
22. Welder
23. Roofer
24. Truck and Transport Mechanic
25. Hairstyling
26. Glazier
27. Cabinetmaker
28. Baker
29. Floorcovering Installer
30. Partsperson
31. Mobile Crane Operator
32. Insulator (Heat and Frost)
33. Ironworker (Generalist)
34. Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)
35. Metal Fabricator (Fitter)
36. Tool and Die Maker
37. Farm Equipment Mechanic
38. Automotive Painter
39. Motorcycle Mechanic
40. Truck-Trailer Repairer
41. Concrete Finisher
42. Appliance Service Technician
43. Electric Motor System Technician
44. Recreation Vehicle Service Technician