Regional Voices
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018We Want To Hear From You!
Contact Point has been providing career professionals and practitioners with current career resources, professional development, and networking opportunities for over nine years. To ensure that we continue to provide the most relevant and useful content and features, we are interested in hearing from people in the field. Your feedback and comments will assist us in better understanding the ever changing field of career counselling/career development, and how we can better meet your needs.
Your input is extremely valuable and important. Let us know how Contact Point can continue to provide you with the information, tools, and support that you need to do your work better as the field continues to change.
Please take the time to fill in the questionnaire. It may take approximately 20 minutes to complete, depending on your responses, but be assured your feedback is vital.
By Completing the Survey, Everyone Wins!
The comments you provide will help us to improve our services to career counsellors, coaches, career development practitioners and other professionals in the field. You will also have the opportunity to win some great prizes. Survey respondents will have their names entered into a draw to win one of two grand prizes, a $100 gift certificate from either Chapters or Renaud-Bray! And that’s not all – we are also giving away five $25 gift certificates as well.
We welcome participation from other practitioners like you. Please share this survey with others including your colleagues and co-workers.
The survey opens on October 23, 2006 and will run for approximately five weeks.
To complete the survey, please click on the link below:
Write an Article for the Bulletin!
Contact Point is looking for articles for the Winter 2006-07 and Spring 2007 editions of the Bulletin newsletter. Please see below for a list of potential topics for each issue.
The Bulletin offers articles on a variety of topics relevant to career practitioners and the field of career counselling. The newsletter also features book reviews, conference sketches, organization snapshots, and new publications and products. Most of the content submissions for the Bulletin have been contributed by volunteers. The newsletter is a quarterly publication available four times a year on-line and twice a year in hard copy.
Winter 2006/07
This issue of the Bulletin will feature articles and content focusing on managment, staff development and team development. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2006.
Potential topics include:
- Leadership Development
- Team Building Exercises
- Conflict Resolution
- Workplace Conflict Management
- Staff Development Ideas
Spring 2007
The Spring edition of the Bulletin will feature content related to career practitioners and the field of career counselling/career development. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2007.
Potential topics include:
- What is the job market like for career counsellors
- Setting up a private practice
- How to develop your own position
- Bio’s of people working in the field
- Challenges in the field
- Future of the field
To submit an article or for more information, please contact Amber Taverner