Conference Sketch
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018- Attention Career Services Professionals! Peruse the newest feature on Contact Point –The Talent Bank. Whether you are looking for employment opportunities in the broader career development field, or looking for a suitable candidate, the Talent Bank is for you.
Here’s how you can utilize this tool:- Individuals looking for employment can use this section of our site (linked through our Job Board) to highlight their career interests, experience and skill base. You can use our on-line form, with an option to include your name and specify location. We will keep your information active for 90 days. It’s Free!
- Organizations looking for candidates can check the listing of candidates – listed in reverse chronological order of date posted – search the page for keywords (using your browser feature), and contact potential candidates via e-mail provided. It’s Free!
- Over the past few months, there have been many changes at Contact Point – with many more to come in the upcoming months. If you have been following articles in recent issues of the Contact Point Bulletin, you’ll be familiar with the fact that we are revamping our site – top to bottom. Stay tuned! You’ll also be familiar with the fact that we are in development of a French language resource for career practitioners (our partnership with Societe GRICS). Stay tuned!
- With so much going on, it is important not to forget to mention those who are involved in getting the Contact Point website and this Bulletin newsletter to you. So here goes:
- First and foremost, as a practitioner-driven site, we owe much to Canadian career services professionals such as yourselves (and those of you internationally who have taken an interest in our work). Your participation is evident through your input on the site and articles in our newsletter. Thanks to all those who volunteer their expertise and time.
- Our content partners. Over the years we have garnered a broad range of support from a variety of organizations. They have helped in providing you with a richer base of resources and discourse to access through the Contact Point website.
- The Counselling Foundation of Canada – for their support so that we could continue to bring this practitioner driven, free to use website to you.
- Our volunteer Board of Directors. As a national organization, our Board represents the sectoral and geographical diversity of the professionals we serve:Rob Shea, Department of Student Development, Memorial University, St. John’s, NF. (President)
Nancy Dube, YMCA Employment and Career Services, Sudbury, ON. (Treasurer)
Gary Agnew, Canadian Career Partners, Calgary, AB.
Susan Bloom, Toronto District School Board, Toronto, ON.
Andre Gosselin, Fondation de l’entrepreneurship, Charlesbourg, QU.
Laura Kerr, Aboriginal Learning Unit, Canadore College, North Bay, ON.
Sherry Knight, Dimension 11 Ltd., Regina, SK.
Danielle Hughes, The Focus Group/Career Partners International, Vancouver, BC.
Marc Verhoeve, Forest Heights Collegiate, Kitchener, ON.
Julie Stitt, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. - Finally, the Staff at Contact Point:
Riz Ibrahim, Executive Director, and
Amber Taverner, Researcher/Content Developer – Amber has just joined our Team at Contact Point. She is a graduate of the Employment Counsellor program at Sir Sandford Fleming College, and brings to Contact Point amongst other things, her experiences as an Information Officer and an On-line Facilitator. Welcome aboard, Amber!