What’s New
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018
- First things first — Congratulations to Anita Makokis, from A.C.C.E.S.S. in Edmonton Alberta for winning a free registration to NATCON 2002 through our scratch and win cards at this year’s NATCON. Hope to see you at the conference next year!
- We are pleased to announce that Keltie Creed has joined the Contact Point staff – that puts us to TWO full time staff people bringing you YOUR Contact Point! You may recall Keltie’s article in the Summer 1999 Bulletin, Exploring Online Counselling. She was one of the first people to work full time online providing one to one counselling to persons with disabilities and individuals who are isolated and unable to meet with a counsellor in person. She has also facilitated numerous virtual workshops and meetings, as well as designing an e-course for practitioners interested in exploring online counselling. Her employment related articles have appeared on several magazines and web sites. Keltie is a graduate of the George Brown Career and Work Counsellor program and the University of Calgary. Welcome aboard, Keltie!
- In March, we launched C-SPACE, an interactive area of Contact Point featuring live chat seminars, discussions and networking. Read below to find out more about Virtual Chats at C-SPACE, including the Job Developers Networking Group.
- In April, we added The Canadian Journal of Career Development to our site features. Visit the Journal at cjcd.contactpoint.ca