What’s New
- Since the launch in January 2000 of the section at Contact Point called “Historical Moments in Career Counselling”, we’ve periodically added new historical entries. Find out more about the beginnings of the profession, how the National Employment Service (NES) Impacted the field of career counselling, and when private sector outplacement counselling arrived in Canada. This section of the site also affords you, the user, an opportunity to share your own historical moments. Keep visiting this section throughout the year as we continue to create a living library of historical moments in the career counselling community.
- For the first time, papers from the National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) are available on-line – and we’re thrilled to have them hosted here at Contact Point. In this new section of our site, you’ll find both english and french papers to peruse or download. Visit the NATCON Papers section at Contact Point.
- We have also made additions to the Contact Point Resource Centre, including our listing of Associations and Networks, Journals and general resources. If you would like to suggest a resource or an association or network for inclusion in our listings, please contact us at admin@contactpoint.ca.
- Our Job Board continues to be a big draw at the site. We hope that organizations across Canada will continue to provide us with job postings.