New Programs and Initiatives
May 8, 2018Publications + Products
May 8, 2018
Contact Point wins BC Career Development Award of Excellence in the Organization Category!
Contact Point has been awarded the 2004 BC Career Development Award of Excellence (Organization Category). This prestigious award is presented by the Career Management Association of BC in honour of inspiration leadership and excellence in career development to members of BC’s Career Development Community.
For more information on the Career Management Association of BC, please visit their website
Canadian Journal of Career Development Inukshuk International Award for Creativity in Career Development
The Inukshuk International Award for Creativity in Career Development is a new award presented by the Canadian Journal of Career Development to support and celebrate creative best practices in community career development throughout the world.
Do you know of a “grass roots” program that has made a significant and positive impact on the clients they serve?
Acknowledge this program by nominating them for the new Canadian Journal of Career Development Inukshuk International Award!
Click here for more information.
OrientAction Publishes its First Bulletin Newsletter!
OrientAction, Contact Point’s French counterpart has published its first Bulletin!
In this issue you will discover various points of view on the evolution of the career counselling profession in Quebec and New Brunswick. Read an interview with a mentoring specialist, participate in a discussion forum, learn more about research centres that specialize in our field, and review several resources in French. In addition to the diversified articles, this issue also contains information on OrientAction and the services available for Francophone Counsellors.
To read the OrientAction Bulletin go to:
To subscribe to the OrientAction Bulletin, please go to, and create your personal account. The next Bulletin will be released in Fall 2004!
OrientAction, l’adaptation francophone de Contact Point, a publié son premier Bulletin!
Ce numéro vous permettra, entre autres, de découvrir différents points de vue sur l’évolution de la profession de conseiller d’orientation au Québec et au Nouveau-Brunswick. Vous êtes même invités à participer à une réflexion collective dans un forum de discussion. Une entrevue avec une spécialiste du mentorat vous aidera sans doute à mieux comprendre le concept derrière cette tendance à la mode. Vous aurez aussi le plaisir de découvrir des centres de recherche spécialisés dans notre domaine ainsi que plusieurs ressources utiles à votre travail quotidien. En plus de vous offrir des articles diversifiés, nous profitons de ce tout premier numéro pour mieux vous faire connaître le site OrientAction et les services qu’il met à votre disposition.
Rendez-vous à cette adresse pour lire le premier Bulletin d’orientAction :
Pour vous abonner au Bulletin d’OrientAction, rendez-vous au et créez votre compte personnel en cliquant sur “Se connecter”. Le prochain Bulletin sera publié à l’automne 2004!
Upcoming Members Meeting for CERIC
The Interim Board of Directors of the Canadian Education and Research Institute (CERIC) is pleased to announce that the first Members Meeting of the organization will take place on August 19, 2004 at 9:00 AM in the offices of The Counselling Foundation of Canada, 18 Spadina Road, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario.
Please check our website following the meeting for new information and a full update on some exciting new initiatives.
Share Your Thoughts – Answer Our Newest Poll!
Does your organization offer services in French?