December 31, 2002New Programs and Initiatives
January 1, 2003Telementoring Program for Young Women
Although women make up over half of the population, they are only a small minority of the professionals in math, the sciences and technology. The reasons for the under-representation of women are complex, but one strong factor is that young women lack the necessary role models and the encouragement to pursue the training required.
The Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) runs several programs where young women are able to meet professional females working in science related areas. This electronic program is designed to facilitate an on-going guiding relationship between students and mentors – an opportunity for professional women to act as role models for young students. With 30-45 minutes/week of e-mail communication, professional women can encourage young women to discover the excitement and rewards of careers in math, science and technology, broaden their horizons, help them improve their communication skills and provide them with a forum for their questions and concerns.
Telementoring provides an invaluable networking experience for both mentors and their protégées. By sharing their experiences and offering guidance, advice and encouragement, mentors have the opportunity to inspire young girls to pursue careers in their field. Protégées are introduced to new career possibilities and gain an awareness of life beyond the classroom. For a young girl unsure about pursuing a career in science, math or technology, it is encouraging to hear from a woman who has faced and overcome difficulties to get to where she is now. The support and motivation of a mentor can help a protégée achieve her full potential and gain the confidence to be responsible for her future.
Telementoring is an effective way of empowering young women and encouraging them to increase their representation in scientific and technical fields.