Les professionnels du développement de carrière et l’emploi des personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale
12 février, 2013Occasion unique de stage en conseillance allosexuelle
25 février, 2013To have your event listed in this section, you must first add it to the Event listings on contactpoint.ca.
JANUARY 28-30, 2013
Ottawa, ON, CANADA
Theories and Models: Human Development & Life Skills Coaching
FEBRUARY 6-19, 2013
Life Strategies online course
Career Practitioner Institute
FEBRUARY 7-9, 2013
San Diego, CA, USA
CERIC Webinar: Remote Employment 3.0: Legitimate Opportunities to Work from Home
FEBRUARY 26, 2013
Anne-Marie Rolfe, Manager of Special Projects, Employment and Education Centre
National Careers Week 2013
MARCH 4-8, 2013
Everywhere in the UK
16th Annual Career Development Conference (BCCDA)
MARCH 4-5, 2013
Vancouver, BC, CANADA
CERIC Webinar: Introduction to Positive Psychology and the PERMA Well-Being Model
MARCH 5, 2013
Louisa Jewell, MAPP and Shannon Polly, MAPP
CERIC Webinar: Positive Psychology for Career Counsellors and Coaches
APRIL 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2013
Louisa Jewell, MAPP and Shannon Polly, MAPP
Opening the Doors in Asia: Sharing Career Development Practices (APCDA)
APRIL 3-5, 2013
Global Innovators 2013 Conference
APRIL 4-7, 2013
Workforce One-Stop 2013
APRIL 23-24, 2013
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Contact Conference: Exploration. Navigation. Destination.
APRIL 23-24, 2013
Saskatoon, SK, CANADA
CCPA – ACCP 2013 Conference
MAY 14-17, 2013
Halifax, NS, CANADA
10th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health
MAY 16-19, 2013
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) – 22nd Annual Conference
MAY 22-24, 2013
Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) Conference
JUNE 11-13, 2013
St. John’s, NL, CANADA