Men Are from Mars, Women Are…From the Same Planet

By Mario Gravelle Report generated by CERIC based upon findings from the On-line Survey on Public Perceptions about Career Development and the Workplace The Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) has released findings of a survey conducted by Environics Research Group asking Canadians about their job satisfaction, their perceptions about their workplaces and…

Aerial view of the Kingston road area in Scarborough, Ontario.Careering

Geography matters: The value of place-based workforce development

The story of one community’s exploration of geographic solutions to geographic poverty Anne Gloger It was lack of services in the inner suburban community of East Scarborough, ON that prompted the design and development of a new kind of organization. The East Scarborough Storefront was created by the community for the community to ensure that…

Black man working on laptop in home officeCareering

The future of work for the Black community

Immediate changes are needed to dismantle anti-Black systemic structures in the workforce Ingrid Wilson  As we emerge from the pandemic and move toward the future of work, we cannot forget the systemic issues that were finally highlighted during the pandemic. The systemic issues affecting Black people in Canada are centred around the lack of access…

Colourful speech bubbles floating on white backgroundCareering

Top 10: Advancing career development in Canada

We asked people working in career development across Canada: In the next 10 years, what do you think is most needed to advance career development in Canada? Here’s what they had to say. A multi-faceted spectrum of diversity that comes with individuality, where identity diversity and cognitive diversity go hand in hand; where we dedicate…

Navigating diversity recruitment across Canadian police forces

By Amanda Assi (Cannexus24 GSEP Award winner) Police officers play an integral part in enforcing community laws and maintaining order; however, recent surveys show a trending decline in the public’s trust and confidence in Canadian police every year (Government of Canada, 2023). More specifically, Canadians rank police low on areas of sensitivity and fair treatment…
Link between career practitioner and clientCareering

Career Professionals a Critical Link to Employment for Clients with Mental Health Challenges

By Sharon Ferriss Career development professionals recognize they are missing skills and knowledge to effectively support an increasing number of clients with mental illness in their job search and career planning, according to a new CERIC-funded project report. The report, entitled Charting the Course: Mapping the Career Practitioner Role in Supporting People with Mental Health Challenges, assesses the…

three students building robot in classCareering

Making career development ‘stick’ in K-12

The career development gap in schools can only be bridged by prioritizing and scaling programming Adriano Magnifico I grew up with superheroes. I loved their superpowers – Superman leaping tall buildings in a single bound or the Torch igniting into a flaming comet. I always had a soft spot for Spiderman, who could spew silk…