Community-based workers: A practitioner-researcher’s agenda

By Angela M. Contreras (Cannexus19 GSEP Award Winner) Community workers are those who provide direct or indirect services to or for the benefit of members of vulnerable communities. Some are paid, some are unpaid. Some are full-time employees, others are part-timers. Some occupy permanent positions, others are short-term contract employees. Some are men, most are women. I also consider necessary to add that community…

coworkers in officeCareering

Beyond binarism: Countering gender identity discrimination in the workplace

Five practices for creating inclusive work environments Julie-Christine Cotton and Annie Pullen Sansfaçon Everyday life in professional environments rarely escapes the heteronormative and cisnormative structures[1] that dominate Quebec society. Indeed, workplace washrooms, dress codes, administrative records and even email salutations usually adhere to the gender binary of man or woman. It is no surprise that professional…


New guide helps Canadian educators meet the needs of refugee students

Ottawa, Jan. 22, 2018 – Canadian educators now have a new resource to help refugee and newcomer youth. Launched today, the guide will enable schools to deliver more culturally responsive career guidance and better integrate the growing number of newcomer and refugee students who have lived through the trauma of war, family separation and loss.…


Road Stories

Over the past nearly two years CERIC has travelled from coast to coast meeting with stakeholders from the career practitioner community as well as provincial government officials. Throughout our “Road Shows”, we have encountered a passionate group of professionals dedicated to supporting Canadians in their career development. In addition to informing participants about CERIC’s role…
muslim teen girl using tablet in parkCareering

Improving access to career supports is essential to Canadian sector’s maturity

A new benchmarking tool aims to explore what makes a strong career development sector Taryn Blanchard, Sareena Hopkins and Lisa Taylor Canada’s career development sector enjoys an enviable international reputation. While attending the 2019 International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) Symposium in Norway, Lisa and Sareena were struck by how frequently other…