Project Partner: Robert Burt Productions
Language: English and French


The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is alarmingly high. Although these people offer a great pool of talent, they remain untapped and detached from the mainstream workforce.

“A Difference of Ability” examines the daily challenges facing people with disabilities and reveals the reasons why jobseekers and employers experience difficulty connecting and how that can change.

The road to employment can be tough, but many successful relationships have been forged between jobseekers and employers. People who have found success offer power insights, practical solutions and strategies for improving the employment situation in today’s labour market.

Developed by CERIC with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada.

The documentary (produced in English as well as a French version with voiceover and subtitles) is no longer available.


We believe this documentary is a solid beginning in heightening sensitivity to employment issues. It’s an important blend of perspectives aimed at promoting change and success.

The time is right for this documentary to be seen by employers, service agencies, prospective employees, the government and the public. Its messages are poignant and empowering and gives all groups concerned a blueprint for navigating their way to full engagement. When there is equity in employment practices and full participation from all sectors of our society, Canadians everywhere benefit. There is no reason why Canada should not be leading the way on fully maximizing the work potential of all of our entire citizenry.

Realism and pragmatic approaches make this DVD the best ‘how-to’ video that I’ve seen yet for those working in the field of special needs and disabilities. The resounding self-advocacy of the job seekers and the frank perspectives of employers and service providers ensures a rapt audience.