“Good WORK! Get a GREAT JOB or be your OWN BOSS: a young person’s guide” is an excellent resource for those working with youth.
Author Nancy Schaefer builds on her previous book, “Good Job! A Young Person’s Guide To Finding, Landing, and Loving A Job”, by adding advice and information that a young person needs to start a business.
Nancy held focus groups with youth to capture best practices on landing a job or starting a business and builds on YES’s 38 years of expertise working with youth.
Good Work! provides straightforward, practical and easy to read information on how to get a job or start a business. For anyone working with youth this book is an invaluable resource.
Good Work is a new CERIC project in partnership with Youth Employment Service (YES).
Project Update: Good Work! has been translated into French through Septembre éditeur.
Author: Nancy Schaefer
Publisher: Septembre éditeur 2009
ISBN: 978-2-89471-348-8
Produced in association with: CERIC
Author(s): Nancy Schaefer
Publisher: CERIC
ISBN: 0-9687-8403-8
Produced in association with:
YES (Youth Employment Services)