Project Partner: Memorial University
Languages: English


The study aims to examine the process and nature of young children’s career development. This research will address significant gaps in both the theoretical and practical applications of career development for young children, their parents, teachers and community. While we know parents and teachers are important influences on children’s career and educational development, very little research exists regarding the nature of this influence. This project will attempt to empower and engage parents and teachers to become more attuned to young children’s career development and will endeavour to support them in utilizing dynamic and interactional career development strategies. Multi-methodologies will be employed over a three-year period to garner knowledge about children’s career development. Complementary quantitative and qualitative research methodologies will provide a comprehensive understanding of young children’s career development as well as factors affecting its development. Career development benchmarks developed from this longitudinal study will be used to inform and direct parent and teaching practices.

Final Report – Learn about the experience of the project partner in delivering this project with key findings and insights.