Career Development and Entrepreneurialism
March 6, 2015Evaluation and Best Practices of Career Services
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Canadian Career Development Research
Topics covered include:
- School-to-work transitions,
- Culture-infused counselling,
- Aboriginal approaches,
- Metaphor making,
- Social justice,
- Evaluating career development interventions,
- Mental health,
- and more.
Contains extensive listings of French articles by Canadian researchers as well.
Canadian Career Development Research
Updated September 2019
Acker, C., and Rowen, N. (2013). Creating Hope, Opoortunity, and Results for Disadvantaged Youth. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 12, Number 1.
Acker, C., & Rowen, N. (2014). Creating Hope, Opportunity, and Results for Disadvantaged Youth Part III. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 13, Number 2.
Amherdt C.H. (2005). La santé émotionnelle au travail, Paris, Demos.
Amundson, N.E. (2018). Active Engagement : Anniversary Edition 2018, Ergon.
Amundson, N.E., Goddard, T., Yoon, H.J., & Niles, S.G. (2018). Hope-centred interventions with unemployed clients. Canadian Journal of Career Development. 17(2), 87-98.
Amundson, N.E. (2017). Active engagement and the influence of constructivism in M. McMahon (Ed), Career Counseling : Constructivist Approachess (pp. 104-112). London : Routledge.
Amundson, N.E., Harris-Bowlsbey, J., & Niles, S. (2014). Essential elements of career counselling. Edition Three. Columbus, OH : Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.
Amundson, N.E. (2010). Metaphor making : Your career, your life, your way. Richmond, B.C.: Ergon Communications. (Translated into Chinese)
Amundson, N.E., Harris-Bowlsbey, J. & Niles, S. (2009). Essential elements of career counselling. Edition Two. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson. (Translated into Greek and Korean).
Amundson, N.E. (2006). Challenges for career interventions in changing contexts. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 6, 3 – 14.
Amundson, N.E., Poehnell, G. & Pattern, M. (2005). CareerScope: looking in, looking out, looking around. Richmond, British Columbia: Ergon Communications.
Amundson, N.E. (2005). The potential impact of global changes in work for career theory and practice. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, 91 – 99.
Andres, L., & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2008). Life-course transitions, social class, and gender : A 15-year perspective of the lived lives of Canadian young adults. Journal of Youth Studies, 11(2), 115-145.
Archibald, J., Glickman, V., McKinnon, I., Gajdosik, D., Pidgeon, M. & Trache, M. (2005). Tracking Education Career Path and Employment Status of BC Teachers of Aboriginal Ancestry. Learning & Career Pathways.
Aremu, A.O., & Moyosola, J.A. (2012). Effectiveness of Emotioj Intelligence Training in Enhancing Teaching Self Efficacy of Career-frustrated Teachers in Ondo State, Nigeria. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 11, Number 1.
Armstrong, H. 2009. Precarious Employment in the Health Care Sector in Leah F. Vosko, Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (eds.) Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. Long: Routledge.
Arthur, N., & Flynn, S. (2013). International Students’ Views of Transition to Employment and Immigration. Canadian Journal of Career Development., Volume 12, Number 1.
Arthur, N., & Flynn, S. (2011). Career development influences of international students who pursue permanent immigration to Canada. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 11(3), 221-237.
Arthur, N. & Collins, S. (2010). Culture-infused counselling supervision. In N. Pelling, J. Bartletta, & P. Armstrong (Eds.), Practice of Supervision (pp. 267 – 295). Bowen Hills, QLD: Australian Academic Press.
Arthur, N. (2010). Learners in cross-cultural transition: Counselling international students (2nd ed.) 9 (1). 423-446. Calgary, AB: Counselling Concepts.
Arthur, N. & Popadiuk, N. (2010). A cultural formulation approach to counselling international students. Journal of Career Development, 37(1), 423-440.
Arthur, N., Collins, S. McMahon, M., & Marshall, C., (2009). Career Practitioner’s Views of Social Justice and Barriers for Practice. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 8 (1) 28-29.
Arthur, N. & Peterson, P. (Eds.). (2008). Case incidents in counselling for international transitions. Alexandria, VA: American Counselling Association.
Arthur, N. (2008). Qualification standards for career practitioners. In J. Athanasou & R. Van Esbroeck (Eds). International Handbook of Career Guidance (pp. 303-323 Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Arthur, N. (2006). Career planning and decision-making needs of international students. In M. Pope & H. Singaravelu (Eds.) , A handbook for counselling international students in the United States (pp. 37-56). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Arthur, N., & Collins, S. (2006). Cultural Auditing: A Process to Enhance Multicultural Career Counselling, NATCON.
Arthur, N. (2005). Building from Diversity to Social Justice Competencies in International Standards for Career Development Practitioners, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Springer Netherlands, Volume 5, Number 2, p 137 – 148.
Arthur, N. (2005). Social Justice Competencies for Career Development Practitioners, NATCON Papers.
Arthur, N. & Collins, S., (2005). Culture-infused Counselling: Celebrating the Canadian Mosaic. Calgary, AB: Counselling Concepts. ISBN 0 – 9738085-0-0.
Arthur, N., McMahon, M., Multicultural career counselling: theoretical applications of the systems theory framework, Career Development Quarterly, (March 2005).
Baetz, M., McEvoy, C., Adamson, K., Loomis, C. (2012). Understanding the Possible Impact of a Community Service Learning Experience during University on Career Development. Canadian Journal of Career Development, Volume 11, Number 1.
Balleux, A. (2006). Les Olympiades de la formation professionnelle et technique : une épreuve exigeante, mais une aventure unique… Vie pédagogique, 138, dossier Internet.
Bangali, M., Masdonati, J., Fournier, G., et Goyer, L. (2015). Contribution of the Self-construction to our model understanding life courses and development of career guidance and counseling. (21-34). Difabio, A., et Berneau, J-L. (Editors) The psychological construction of the identity in 21st century. A new intervention theory for developing the self in turbulent times. (21-34). Nova Science Publisher (new York).
Baudouin, R., Borgen, W., Goyer, L., Hiebert, B., and Michaud, G. (2008). Program Evaluation: what we do defines who we are. Canadian Counselling Association Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick.
Baudouin, R., Bezanson, L., Borgen, W., Goyer, L., Hiebert, B., Lalande, V., Magnusson, K., Michaud, G., Renard, C., & Turcotte, M. (2007). Demonstrating value: a draft framework for evaluating the effectiveness of career development interventions. Canadian Journal of Counselling, v. 41 n. 3 p. 146-157 2007.
Baudouin, Robert, Hiebert, Brian, (2007). Introduction to Special Issue on Evidence-Based Practice in Career Development, Canadian Journal of Counselling, Vol. 4:3, pp. 127 – 129.
Baudouin, R., Borgen, B., Goyer, L., Hiebert, B., Magnusson, G., Michauds, G., Lalande V., and Turcotte, M., (2007). Demonstrating Value: A Draft Framework for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Career Development Interventions. Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Counselling. 41 (3), 146 – 157.
Baudouin, R., Manusson, K., Borgen, W., Bezanson, M.L., & Hiebert, B., (2005). Measuring the Impact of Career Services: State of Practice, Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Counselling Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Beaucher, C., Dumas, I. (In Press). The future intentions of young fifth-secondary aspirations or career plans? Careerology, 11 (3 – 4).The future intentions of young fifth-secondary aspirations or career plans?
Beaucher, C. (2008). « Aspirations et projets professionnels des jeunes : la question du sens par l’entrée du rapport au savoir. » Orientaction, (5) 2, p.6-7.
Beaucher, C. (2007). « Des aspirations et des projets professionnels: mieux comprendre les intentions d’avenir des jeunes de formation professionnelle. » Observatoire Jeunes et Société. Bulletin d’information, vol 6, no 4, p. 6-8.
Beaujot, R., & Kerr, D. (2007). Emerging youth transition patterns in Canada: Opportunities and risks. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Policy Research Initiative, Government of Canada. Retrieved July 29, 2009
Bell, D., Redekopp, D., Hollihan, K., Rideout, S. (2016). Addressing the Catch-22: RBC Career Launch Applicants’ Recommendations for ImprovingSchool-to-Work Transitions. CCDF.
Bell, D., O’Reilly, E., Canadian Council on Learning. (2008). Making Bridges Visible: An Inventory of Innovative, Effective or Promising Canadian School-to-Work Transitions Practices, Programs and Policies. CCDF.
Bell, D., Bezanson, L. (2006). Career Development Services for Canadian Youth: Access, Adequacy and Accountability. CCDF.
Benjamen, A., Domene, J., Landine, K. (2014). Constructing the Future in the Liminal Spaces Between Adolescence and Adulthood: Responsibilites, Careers, and Social Contexts. Canadian Journal of Career Development Volume 13, Number 1.
Bernes, K. B., Bardick, A. D., David, T., Career guidance and counselling efficacy studies: an international research agenda. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,
Bezanson, L. (2005). Career development: A time for transformation. Derby, UK: University of Derby, Centre for Guidance Studies. Retrieved August 7, 2009, from
Bezanson, L., & Renald, C. (Eds.). (2007) Working Connections: A Pan-Canadian Symposium on Career Development, Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development: Papers and Proceedings. Ottawa, On: The Canadian Career Development Foundation.
Bilsker, D., (2006). Mental Health Care and the Workplace. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Canadian Psychiatric Association.
Bilsker, D. Ph.D., Gilbert, M., Ph.D. and Joti, S. Ph.D., (2005). Antidepressant Skills at Work: Dealing with mood problems in the workplace. Simon Fraser University.
Block, S., Galabuzi, G. E. (2011). Canada’s Colour Coded Labour Market, Wellesley Institute, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Boivin, M.-D. et Goyer, L. (2007). L’orientation : quels défis pour les pratiques en orientation. Revue française Pratiques et analyses de formation. Sous la coordination de F. Lesourd. Les temporalités éducatives, Approches plurielles, 51-52.
Boivin, M.-D. et Goyer. L. (2006). Les multiples défis des pratiques de l’orientation d’aujourd’hui. Revue En Pratique, 5, 19.
Borgen, W.A., Butterfield, L.D., Gazzola, N., et Goyer, L. (2015). Towards a defintition of Canadian career psychology. Dans A.L. Sinacore et F. Ginsberg (dir), Canadian counselling and counselling psychology in the 21st century (p. 165-205). Montrèal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Borgen, W.A., & Hiebert, B. (In press) Career Development for Policy Makers and Practitioners: Fostering an Increased Range of Educational and Career Alternatives. Paris: United Nations Education, Cultural, and Scientific Organization.
Borgen, W.A., Lalande, V., Butterfield, L., Gray, M., Jacklin, D., & Taheri-Tabriz, M. (2010). Career conversations: The development, implementation and evaluation of an innovative human resource intervention for small to medium businesses. Ottawa, On: Canadian Career Development Foundation.
Borgen, W.A., Butterfield, L.D., & Amundson, N.E. (2010). The experience of change and its impact on workers who identify as doing well with change that affects their work. Journal of Employment Counseling, 47(1), 2-11.
Borgen, W.A., Amundson, N.E., & Butterfield, L.D. (2008). The critical incident technique. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research.
Borgen, W.A., & Maglio, A.T., (2007). After service experience of career clients in attempting to implement action plans. Journal of Employment Counselling, 44, 173 – 184.
Borgen, W.A., & Hiebert, B. (2006). Career guidance and counselling for youth: What adolescents and young adults are telling us. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28 (4), 389 – 400.
Borgen, W.A., & Hiebert, B. (2006). Youth counselling and career guidance: What adolescents and young adults are telling us. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28, 389-400.
Borgen, W.A. (2006). Counseling and social justice: An international perspective. In C.C. Lee (Ed), Counseling for Social Justice (2nd ed., pp.161 – 180. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
Boudrenghien, G., Frenay, M., Bourgeois, E., Karabenick, S.A. (2012). Antecedents of Educational Goal Commitment: An Experimental Investigation of the Role of Goal Abstraction, Integration, and Importance. Canadian Journal of Carer Development, Volume 11, Number 1.
Boulet,J. et Viviers, S. (janvier, 2016). Défendre les interêts de sa profession : Un impératif pour les conseillers dèorientation en milieu scolaire? L’Orientation, 6(1), 5-8.
Bourassa, B., Fournier, G., Goyer, L. (sous presse) ( sous la dir) Construction de savoirs et de pratiques professionnelles :le double jeu de la recherche collaborative. Les presses de l’Université Laval.
Bourassa, B., Fournier, G., Goyer, L. et Veilleux, A.-D. (sous presse) Faire le point, comprendre et réviser sa pratique professionnelle : une recherche collaborative auprès d’intervenants d’un service de placement étudiant. (sous la dir. Bourassa, Fournier et Goyer). Construction de savoirs et de pratiques professionnelles : le double jeu de la recherche collaborative. Les presses de l’Université Laval.
Bourdon, S. et Cournoyer, L. (2012). Le soutien de l’environnement social lors du passage de l’enseignement secondaire au collégial. In P. Curchod, Pierre-André Doudin et Louise Lafortune, Accompagner les transitions du préscolaire à l’université. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Bourdon, S., Charbonneau, J. et Cournoyer, L. (2011). Famille, réseaux et persévérance aux études collégiales. Rapport de recherche. Phase 2. Action concertée Persévérance et réussite scolaires - FQRSC. Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke.
Bourdon, S., and Vultur M. (ed.) (2007). Young people and work. Sainte Foy: Presses de l’Iniversite Laval.
Bourdon, S., Charbonneau, J., Cournoyer, L. et Lapostole, L. (2007). Famille, réseaux et persévérance aux études collégiales. Rapport de recherche. Phase 1. Action concertée Persévérance et réussite scolaires - FQRSC. Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke
Bourdon, S.; Charbonneau, J. et Cournoyer, L. (2005). Faits saillants de l’enquête Famille, réseaux et persévérance aux études collégiales. Rapport de recherche. Sherbrooke : Équipe de recherche sur les transitions et l’apprentissage.
Brazeau-Ward, Louise, (2005). Dyslexia and the Workplace, Canadian Dyslexic Centre Inc.
Brisbois, R., Ortun, L., & Saunders, R. (2008). Connecting supply and demand in Canada’s youth labour market (Pathways to the labour market series – No. 8). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Policy Research Networks.
Bujold, C., Fournier, G., et Lachance, L. (2013). The meaning of work among nonstandard workers: A multifaceted reality (Le sens du travail chez des travailleurs atypiques : Une réalité aux multiples facettes.) Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy éRevue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 47(4), 480-499.
Bujold, C. et Gingras, M. (2010). Un nouveau paradigme pour l'orientation : perspectives, limites, et défis. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 39(1), 73-86.
Bujold, C. et Fournier, G. (2008). Occupational Representations of Workers in Nonstandard and Precarious Work Situations. Journal of Career Assessment, 16(3), 339-359.
Burwell, R. & Chen C.P. (2008). Positive psychology for work-life balance: A new approach in treating workaholism. In R.J. Burke & Cooper (Eds.) The long working hours culture: Causes, consequences and choices (pp. 295-313). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Burwell, R. & Kalbfleisch, S. (2010). Directory of career development education programs in Canada: Updated November, 2011. Toronto: CERIC. Retrieved from
Butterfield, L.D., Borgen, W.A., Admundson, N.E., & Erlebach, A.C. (2010). What Helps and Hinders Workers in Managing Change. Journal of Employment Counselling, 47 (4), 146 – 156.
Butterfield, L., Borgen, W., & Amundson, N.E., (2009). Impact of a qualitative interview on workers’ view of their situation. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43, 120 – 130.
Butterfield, L., Borgen, W., Maglio, A., & Amundson, N.E. (2009). Using the enhanced critical incident technique in counselling psychology research. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43, 265 – 282.
Butterfield, L.D., Borgen, W.A., Amundson, N.E., & Maglio, A.T. (2005). Fifty Years of Critical Incident Technique: 1954 – 2004 and Beyond. Qualitative Research, 5, 475 – 497.
Butterfield, L.D., & Borgen, W.A. (2005). Outplacement counselling from the client’s perspective. Career Development Quarterly, 53, 306 – 316.
Bynner, J. (2005). Rethinking the youth phase of the life-course: The case for emerging adulthood? Journal of Youth Studies, 8(4), 367-384.
Campbell, A., Gagnon, N., (2006). Literacy, Life and Employment: An Analysis of Canadian International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) Source: The Conference Board of Canada.
Canadian Career Development Foundation (2019). Transitioning from Public School to Post-Secondary Education in the Atlantic Region. CCDF
Canadian Council for the Arts. (2019). A Statistical Profile of Artists in Canada in 2016 (with summary information about cultural workers). Canadian Council for the Arts.
Cardu, H. (2016). Genre, migratrion et travail. Dans G. Fournier, E. Poirel, et L. Lachance (dir), Éducation et vie au travail, Tome 2 : Diversité des trajectoires professionnelles et dynamique de maintain durable en emploi (p. 295-322). Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
Cardu, H. Costalat-Founeau A.M. (2015). Une étude sur les femmes cadres gestionnaires issues de l’immigration:représenttttttations des trajectoires professionnelles et stratégies, Psychologie du travail et des organizations, Vol. 21N 4, 306-321.
Caverley, N., Cunningham, J.B., & MacGregor, J.N., (2007). Sickness presenteeism, sickness absenteeism, and health following restructuring in a public service organization. Journal of Management Studies (Special Edition – Managerial Dimensions of Organizational Health), 44(2), 304-319.
Chaddock, C., & Domene, J. (2016). Exploring the Career-Related Goals and Barriers of Teenage Mothers. The Canadian Journal of Career Development.
Chason, A.K., Bullock-Yowell, E., Sampson, J.P., Lenz, J.G., Reardon, R.C. (2013). Relationships among Career Thoughts, Career Interests, and Career Decision State. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 12, Number 1.
Chen, C.P. (in press). Career meaning making: An essential in life. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds), Career counselling and constructivism: Foundational constructs. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Chen, C.P. (2008). Career guidance with immigrants. In J. Athanasou & R.V. Esbroeck (eds) International Handbook of Career Guidance (pp. 419 – 442). New York: Springer.
Chen, C.P. (2008). Coping with work and family role conflict: Career counselling considerations for women. In J. Athanasou & R.V. Esbroeck (Eds) International Handbook of Career Guidance (pp. 443 – 460). New York: Springer.
Chen, C.P. (2008). Career guidance for at-risk students via social learning. Perspectives in Education, 26 (4), 6 – 16.
Chen, C.P. (2006). Career endeavour: Pursuing a cross-cultural transition. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate.
Chen, C.P. (2006). Improving work-life balance: REBT for workaholic treatment. In R.J. Burke (Ed) Research companion to working time and work addiction (pp. 310 – 329). Cheltenham Glos, UK: Edward Elgar.
Chen, C.P. (2006). Strengthening career human agency. Journal of Counseling & Development, 84(2), 131-138.
Chen, C.P. (2005). Negotiating risks in career development. In A. Hope & P. Olivere (Eds) Risk, education and culture (pp. 190 – 210). Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate.
Chen, C.P. (2005). Morita therapy: A philosophy of yin/yang co-existence. In R. Moodley & W. West (Eds.), Integrating transitional healing practices in counselling and psychotherapy (pp. 221 – 232. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chen, C.P. (2005). Understanding career chance. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5(3), 251 – 270.
Clarke, A., Amundson, N., Niles, S., & Yoon, H.J. (2018). Action-oriented hope: An agent for change for internationally educated professionals. Journal of Employment Counseling, 55(4), 155-165.
Code, M. N., Bernes, K. B., Gunn, T. M., Bardick, A. D., (2006). Adolescents’ Perceptions of Career Concern: Student Discouragement in Career Development, Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Vol. 40, No. 3.
Collins, S., Arthur, N., McMahon, M., and Bisson, S. (2015). Assessing the Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies of Career Development Pratitioners. Canadian Journal on Career Development Archive.
Collins, S., Arthur, N., McMahon, M., Bisson, S. (2014). Development of the Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies (MCSJC) Scale for Career Development Practitioners. Canadian Journal of Career Development Volume 13, Number 1.
Collins, S., Arthur, N., & Wong-Wylie, G. (2010). Enhancing reflective practice in multicultural counselling through cultural auditing. Journal of Counselling & Development, 88, 340 – 347.
Collins, S., & Arthur, N. (2010). Culture-infused counselling: A fresh look at a classic framework of multicultural counselling competencies. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 23 (2), 203-216.
Collins, S., & Arthur, N. (2010). Culture-infused counselling: A model for developing cultural competence. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 23 (2) 217 – 233.
Collins, S. (2010). Women on the Margins: Honouring Multiple and Intersecting Cultural Identities. In L. Ross. (Ed.). Counselling Women: Feminist Issues, Theory and Practice (pp. 21 – 50). Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Coogen, P.A. & Chen, C.P. (2007). Career development and counselling for women: Connecting theories to practices. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 20 (2), 191 – 204.
Corbière, M., Negrini, A., Durant, M-J., St-Arnaud, L., Briand, C., Fassier, J-B., Loisel, P., Lachance, J-P. (2016). Development 0f the Return-to-Work Obstacles and Self Efficiency Scale (ROSES) and Validation with Workers Suffering from a Common Mental Disorder or Musculoskeletal Disorder. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 13p.
Cournoyer, L. (2016). Collaborer, mais aussi produire! Essai d’un dispositif d’accompagnement de conseillers en développement de l’employabilité misant sur la poduction de solutions professionnelles (2016). Dans B. Bourassa et M.-C Doucet (dir.) Éducation et vie au travail, Tome 3 : Perspectives contemporaines sur les pratiques d’accompagnement pour l’orientation et l’intégration socioprofessionnelle (pp. 111-139). Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
Counoyer, L., Lachance, L., et Samson, A. (2016). L’action décisionnelle de carrière : processus en deux dimensions, quart tensions. Dans J. Masdonati, M. Bangali, et L. Counoyer (dir.). Éducation et travail, Tome 1 : Oerspectives contemporaines sur les parcours et l’orientation des jeunes (pp. 119-148). Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
Cournoyer, L., Lachance, L., et Dostie, S. (2015). Perspectives cognitive, comportementales et sociorelationnelles de la prise de décision de carrière chez les élèves de cinquième secondaire: rèsultats descriptifs du volent quantitatif. Montréal: Université du Quebec à Montréal: UQAM.
Cournoyer, L. (2014). Guide de strategies dèintervention orientantes – 3rd édition.Montréal: Université du Québec a Montréal.
Cournoyer, L. (2012). Chemin faisant … L’évolution sociohistorique des conseillers d’orientation au Québec Career Counselling in Quebec: What is the future outlook ? . In Canadian Career Text Book (Dir. Blythe Sheppard). Ottawa: Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling.
Cournoyer, L. (2011). Le rôle des relations sociales sur l’évolution des projets professionnels. In S. Bourdon et J. Charbonneau, Regard sur … les jeunes et leurs relations. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
Csiernik, R., & Darnell, K. (under review) Perceptions of affiliate EAP counsellors: an exploratory study. Journal of Workplace Behavioural Health.
Cunningham, J.B., MacGregor, J.N., & Caverley, N., (2007). Stress, absenteeism and presenteeism. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management 48th Annual Meeting: Navigating the White Waters of Change: Revisiting the Past and Preparing for the Future. Missoula, Montana.
Dahan, J. (2014). Metaphors of Career Success: The Case of Middle Managers. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 13, Number 1.
Daniels, L.M., Clifton, R.A., Perry, R.P., Mandzuk, D., & Hall, N.C. (2006). Student teachers competence and career certainty: The effects of career anxiety and perceived control. Social Psychology of Education, 9, 405-423.
Dietsche, P. (2013). Career Planning in Ontario. Grade 10 Students: Counsellor Perspectives. Canadian Journal of Career Development Volume 12, Number 1.
Dionne, P., et Viviers, S. (2016). Métier relationnel et dispositifs publics: regard sur l’activité de conseil d’orientation en milieu scolaire. Dans M.C. Doucet et S. Viviers (dir.), Métiers de la relation : Nouvelles logiques et nouvelles épreuves du travail (p. 107-122). Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
Domene, J.F., Arim, R.G. & Young, RA (2007). Gender and Career Development Projects in Early Adolescence: Similarities and Differences Between Mother and Mother-Daughter Dyads. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 4, 107 – 126.
D’ Ortun, F., (2010). The orientation towards a chosen career at the age . Transformation Journal: Research in adult education – review of the University of Lille1, Laboratory-CIREL TRIGONE, no special “orientation: a renewed problem”, eds. F. Danvers and G. Pineau, 3 (March 2010), 255 – 268.
D’ Orfun, F., (2007). The impasse in time self-employed, Careerology. Journal International Francophone, Special: Dynamic temporalities of adult life in the post modern. Boutinet J.-P. (ed) (Catholic U. of Western France), 11 (1-2), p. 165 – 181.
Doucet, M.C., et Viviers, S. (dir.) (2016). Métiers de la relation: Nouvelles logiques et nouvelles épreuves du travail. Québec: Presses de l’Universit/ Laval.
Dubois, A. (2016). L’orientation dans un contexte de réadaption socioprofessionnelle : une situation-limite à la confluence du quotidien et du tragique. Dans G. Fournier, E. Poirel, et L. Lachance (dir.), Éducation et vie au travail : perspectives contemporaiunes sur les parcours de vie professionnelle (p. 145-175). Québec : Les Presses de l’it/ Laval.
Dubois, A. (2010). L'employabilité. En pratique, 12. 6-9. (reprise de l'article de l'International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation).
Dubois, A. (2009). L’employabilité/Employability. In J.H. Stone, M. Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Disponible en ligne:
Dubois, A., Ratté J. (2008). Souffrir la perte de ses capacités : une expérience dévoilant la nature paradoxale. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 42, No. 1
Dubois, A. (2007). La pratique de l’orientation au coeur des transitions de vie. En pratique, 7, 9-10.
Dubois, A. (2006). Quand notre vie bascule, En pratique, 5, 9-10.
Dussault, M., Bourassa, B., Fournier, G., Lachance, L., Negura, L., and Spain, A., 2009. New Realities in the Work World: The Impact on Workers and on the Practice of Professional Career Counsellors. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 8 (1), 11 – 21.
Dutch, G. (2016). Life-Story Writing for Career Change: Is it Effective? A Report on Research. Canadian Journal of Career Development Volume 15, Number 1.
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