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Career Counselling Competencies
Topics covered include:
- Multicultural competencies;
- Career counsellor training;
- Critical and essential competencies;
- Development of competencies;
- Counselling in the workplace;
- and more.
Literature Search
Career Counselling Competencies
May 2017
Akkermans, J., Brenninkmeijer, V., Huibers, M., Blonk, R.B. (2013). Competencies for the Contemporary Career: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Career Competencies Questionnaire. Journal of Career Development. Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 245-267.
Amundson, N.E., Harris-Bowlsbey, J.A., & Niles, S.G. (2013). Essential elements of career counseling: Processes and techniques (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education
Arthur, N., Collins, S. Marshall, C., McMahon, M. (2013). Social Justice Competencies and Career Development Practices. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Vol 47, No 2.
Arulmani, G., Bakshi, A.J., Leong, F.T.L., Watts, A.G. (2014). Handbook of Career Development, International Perspectives. Springer Science & Business Media.
Axinte, R. (2014). The School Counselor: Competencies in a Constructivist Model of Counseling for Career Development. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 142 Pages 255-259.
Barfield, H.G., Belke, S.L. and Scott, D.A. (2011). Career development with transgender college students: implications for career and employment counselors. Journal of Employment Counseling. 48.3: p105.
Blank, C. (2017). Skills for a Career Counselor. Chron.
Boston, Q., Vaughn, M., Pitt, J., Soldner, J.L., Turner-Whittaker, Robertson, S. (2011). Promoting Multicultural Competencies in Early Career Rehabilitation Counsellor Supervisors. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling Volume 17 Issue 1.
Boyatzis, R.E. (2005). Core Competencies in Coaching others to Overcome Dysfunctional Behavior. Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations.
Brown, S.D., Lent, R.W. (2004). Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work. John Wiley & Sons.
Carter Pipkins, K., Rooney, G.S., Jaunarajs, I. (2014). Back to the Basics: Career Counseling. New Directions for Student Services Issue 148 Pages 35-48.
Chang, B. (2006). Multicultural Counseling Training and Competency and Its Impact on Multicultural Populations: A Critical Analysis and Review of Relevant Literature. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Chu-Lien Chao, R. (2005). Counselors’ Multicultural Competencies: from Gender and Ethnicity Perspectives. Thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Coetzee, M., Roythorne-Jacobs, H. (2006). Career Counselling and Guidance in the Workplace: A Manual for Career Practitioners. Juta and Company.
Collins, S., Arthur, N., McMahon, M.L., Bisson, S. (2014). Development of the Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies (MCSJC) Scale for Career Development Practitioners. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, 13:1: 17-30.
Crisan, C., Pavelea, A., Ghimbulut, O. (2015). A Need Assessment on Students’ Career Guidance. Procedia.
Department of Higher Education and Training. (2015). Competency Framework for Career Development Practitioners in South Africa. DHET South Africa.
De Vos, A., Soens, N. (2008). Protean attitude and career success: The mediating role of self-management. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Volume 73, Pages 449-456.
Evans, K. (2008). Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling. College Bookstore
Francis-Smythe, J., Haase, S., Thomas, E., Steele, C. (2013). Development and Validation of the Career Competencies Indicator. Journal of Career Assessment. Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 227-248.
Haase, S. (2007). Applying Career Competencies in Career Management. Thesis, University of Worcester.
Harun, M.M., Kadir, R.A., and Noah, S.M. (2014). A Brief Review of Multicultural Counselling Self-Efficacy and Multicultural Counselling Competency. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 19 (Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice): 61-68.
Hiebert, B., Neault, R. (2014). Career Counselor Competencies and Standards: Differences and Similarities across Countries. Springer Link.
Hiebert, B. (2006). Career Counseling Competencies. Sage
Hirschi, A. (2012). The Career Resources Model: An Integrative Framework for Career Counsellors. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40(4), 369-383.
Katsarov, J., Lerkkanen, J., Pouyaud, J., and Pukelis, K. (2014). Coming to European Competence Standards for the Practice of Career Guidance and Counselling. NICE.
Kuijpers, M., Meijers, F. (2011). Learning for now or later? Career competencies among students in higher vocational education in the Netherlands. Studies in Higher Education, 37:4, 449-467.
Kuijpers, M.A.C.T., Schyns, B., Scheerens, J. (2006). Career Competencies for Career Success. The Career Development Quarterly. Volume 55.
Kuijpers, M.A.C.T., Scheerens, J. (2008). Career Competencies for the Modern Career. Journal of Career Development. Vol. 32 no. 4 303-319.
Ladany, N., O’Shaughnessy, T., Hartung, P.J. (Ed), Savickas, M.L. (ed.); Walsh, W.B. (Ed.) (2015). Training and supervision in career counseling. APA handbook of career intervention. Volume 1: pp. 375-387.
Lauby, S. (2017). HR Competencies: Turning Knowledge into Action. HR Bartender.
Lauby, S. (2015). Developing HR Competencies – Ask #HR Bartender. HR Bartender.
Litoiu, N., Oproiu, C.G. (2012). The Need of Career Counselling in Universities : A Competencies – Based Approach. International Conference of Scientific Paper.
Lombardo, J.P. (2007). Critical competencies for career counselor supervision. Thesis, Marquette University.
Looby, M.A. (2014). Solution-Focused Career Counseling. National Career Development Association.
McIIveen, P. (2004). A Career Counsellor Internship Program. Australian Journal of Career Development. Volume 13, Number 2
McMahon, M. (2016). Career Counselling: Constructvist approaches. Routledge.
Meijers, F., Kuijpers, M., & Gundy, C. (2012). The relationship between career competencies, career identity, motivation and quality of choice. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Springer.
Michaud, G., Savard, R., Leblanc, J., Paquette, S. (2010). Assessment and development of competencies. Research Report. Canadian Research Working Group.
Morgan, L.W., Greenwaldt, M.E., Gosselin, K.P. (2014). School Counselors’ Perceptions of Competency in Career Counseling. The Professional Counselor Volume 4, Issue 5, Pages 481-496.
Niles, S.G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J.E. (2012). Career development interventions in the 21st century (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.
Orbé-Austin, R. (2010). Multicultural Career Counseling Competence: 5 Key Tips for Improving Practice. Career News.
Paradnike< K., Endriulaitiene, A., Bandzeviciene, R. (2017). Career self-management resources in contemporary career frameworks: a literature review. ResearchGate.
Patterson, C.H. (2004). Do We Need Multicultural Counseling Competencies? Journal of Mental Health Counseling. Volume 26, Number 1, Pages 67-73.
Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2014). Career Development and Systems Theory: Connecting Theory and Practice. Springer.
Perrone, K.M., Perrone, P.A., Chan, F., Thomas, K.R. (2011). Assessing Efficacy and Importance of Career Counseling Competencies. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 3, pages 212-225.
Rahman, A.M.A., Zubaidah, S., Jais, S. Isa, N.J.M. (2014) Competency Level of the Counselor in Secondary Schools in Malaysia. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 2 No. 2.
Ratts, M.J., Singh, A.A., Nassar-McMillan, S., Butler, S.K., Rafferty McCullough, J. (2015). Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies. American Counseling Association.
Ridley, C.R., Mollen, D., and Kelly, S,M. (2011). Beyond Microskills: Toward a Model of Counseling Competence. The Counseling Psychologist 1-40.
Sabella, R.A., Poynton, T.A., Isaacs, M.L. (2010). School counselors perceived importance of counseling technology competencies. Computers in Human Behavior Volume 26 Issue 4 Pages 609-617.
Savickas, M.L. (2013). Constructing Careers: Actors, Agents, and Authors. The Counseling Psychologist 1-15.
Schiersmann, C., Einarsdottir, S., Katarov, J., Lerkkanen, J., Mulvey, R., Pouyaud, J., Pukelis, K., Weber, P. (Eds.), (2016). European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners. NICE Handbook, Volume 2.
Sheward, S., Branch, R. (2012). Motivational Career Counselling & Coaching. Sage
Sperry, L. (2011). Core Competencies in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Becoming a Highly Competent and Effective Therapist. Routledge.
Swank, J.M., Lambie, G.W., Witta, E.L. (2012). An Exploratory Investigation of the Counseling Competencies Scale: A Measure of Counseling Skills, Dispositions, and Behaviors. Counselor Education and Supervision. September 1, 2012.
Tate, K.A., Bloom, M.L., Tassara, M.H., and Caperton, W. (2014). Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. Sage.
Trusty, J., Brown, D. (2005). Advocacy Competencies for Professional School Counselors. ASCA.
Vaughan, K., Spiller, L. (2012). Learning to Fly: Career Management Competencies in the School Subject Classroom. EEL Research Report No. 08
Worthington, R.L., Soth-McNett, A.M., and Moreno, M.V. (2007). Multicultural Counseling Competencies research: A 20-Year Content Analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Vol. 4, 351-361.
Wyrick Morgan, L., Greenwaldt, M.E., Gosselin, K.P. (2014). School Counselor’s Perceptions of Competency in Career Counseling. The Professional Counselor.
Zafar, J., Bint Mat, N. (2012). Protean Career Attitude, Competency Development & Career Success: A Mediating Effect of Perceived Employability. HRmars. Vol. 2, No. 4.
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