Early Intervention Career Development for Children and Adolescents
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Career Development Theory and Career Management Models
Topics covered include:
- Chaos theory,
- Holland's theory of vocational decisions,
- Career construction,
- Cognitive information processing,
- Super's career development stages,
- Career metaphors,
- Happenstance,
- and more.
Career Development Theories and Career Management Models
Literature Search (Updated March 2017)
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Amundson, N.E., Harris-Bowlsbey, J. & Niles, S.G., (2005). Essential elements of career counseling. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Arnold, J., (2004). The congruence problem in John Holland’s theory of vocational decisions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 95-113.
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Beaucher, C., (2007). The aspirations and career plans: to better understand the intentions for the future of youth vocational training, Youth and Society Observatory. Bulletin Information, Vol. 6, No. 4, p 6 – 8.
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Bright, J. E.H., Pryor, R. G.L. (2005). The chaos theory of careers: a user’s guide. Career Development Quarterly, 53, 291-305, June.
Brott, P. E., (2005). A Constructivist look at life roles, Career Development Quarterly, Dec.
Brown, S. D., Lent, R. W., (Editors) (2005). Career Development and Counselling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
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Cardoso, P., Silva, J.R., Goncalves, M.M., Duarte, M.E. (2014). Narrative innovation in life design counseling: The case of Ryan. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Volume 85, Issue 3, Pages 276-286.
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Gingras, M., Beaucher, C., (2007). Myths and Realities on Vocational Training. Academic Life, (144), p.53.
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Savickas, M. (2003). Advancing the career counseling profession: objectives and strategies for the next decade. Career Development Quarterly, 52(1), 87-96.
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Tsitsika, A.K., Tzavela, E.C., Apostolidou, E., Antonogeorgos, G., Sakou, I-I., Bakoula. (2014). The career aspirations of adolescents with eating disorders: an exploratory study and suggested links to adolescent self-concept development. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, Volume 26, Issue 1.
Valach, L. & Young, R.A. (2004). Some cornerstones in the development of a contextual action theory of career and counseling. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 4, 61-81.
Van Esbroeck, R., Tibos, K. & Zaman, M. (2005). A dynamic model of career choice and development, International Journal for educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, 5-18.
Vondracek, F.W., Ford, D.E., & Porfeli, E.J. (2014). A living systems theory of vocational behavior and development. Boston, MSA: Sense Publishers.
Young, Richard A., Marshall, Sheila K., Valach, Ladislaw, (2007) Making career theories more culturally sensitive: implications for counseling. Career Development Quarterly, Sept.
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Watson, M.B. (2004). Career counseling theory, culture and constructivism. In M. McMahon & W. Patton (Eds.), Career counseling: Constructivist approaches (pp. 45-56). London: Routledge
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