Exploring Possibilities! Journeying Through Career-Related Learning in Grades 4–6 – A Teaching Toolkit
January 26, 2024A Multi-Sectoral Approach to Career Development – A Decade of Canadian Research
June 14, 2024- Version
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- Create Date May 7, 2024
- Last Updated May 8, 2024
Topics covered in the literature search include:
- career literacy development
- career literacy skills
- career education
- career readiness
- career literacy and employment
- information literacy
- students career development
- future skills and planning
Career Literacy
Literature Search
May 2024
ABC Life Literacy Canada (2024). Adult literacy in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities.
Albarillo, F. (2016). Teaching Career Information Literacy in the Academic Library. In Smallwood, C. (ed.). The Library’s Role in Supporting Financial Literacy for Patrons. Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, pp.189-198.
Albro, J., Turner, J.D. (2019). Six Key Principles: Bridging Students’ Career Dreams and Literacy Standards. The Reading Teacher. Vol.73(2):161-172.
ASVAB Career Readiness Program. Career Readiness & Literacy with CTE. (n.d.). Career and Technical Education Prepares Students for Future Employment
Bartet, R. (2022). Career planning in middle school prepares students for better workforce choice. The Hechinger Report.
Bartow Jacobs, K. (2014). The Role of Field Experiences in the Professional Socialization of Early Career Literacy Teachers. LEARNing Landscapes, Vol.8(1): 173-191.
Bennett, D. (2017). Metacognition as a graduate attribute: Employability through the lens of self and career literacy, in Huda, N., Inglis, D., Tse, N. and Town, G. (eds), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Sydney, Australia: Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE).
Bennett, D., Robertson, R. (2015). Preparing students for diverse careers: developing career literacy with final-year writing students, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 12(3).
Brathwaite, A. D. (2002). A WAY WITH WORDS: A Unique Approach to Literacy and Career Development. Journal of Career Development, Vol.28(3): 221-225.
Broemmel, A.D, Swaggerty, E.A, Rigell, A., Blanton, B. (2021). “I Felt like My Practice Was Catching up with My Beliefs:” A Longitudinal Cognitive Study of Seven Early Career Literacy Teachers and Their Praxis. Action in Teacher Education. Vol.43(3): 285-300.
Cantwell, K. (2010). Information Literacy Landscapes. Information Literacy in Education, Workplace and Everyday Contexts. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. Vol.41(3):221-222.
Career Vision (n.d.). What is Career Literacy
Carnegie Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy. (2010). Time to act: An agenda for advancing adolescent literacy for college and career success. New York: Carnegie Corporation of New York.
DeBruce Foundation. (n.d.). Career Literacy Resources
Developing Employability (n.d.). Understand your career and study confidence
Foster, B. (2018). Professional Practice: Using Case Studies in Information Literacy Instruction Towards Career Readiness. In Kurbanoğlu, S., Boustany, J., Špiranec, S., Grassian, E., Mizrachi, D., Roy, L. (eds). Information Literacy in the Workplace. European Conference on Information Literacy 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 810:119-127.
Galvan, A. M., Negrete, A. (2017). Responding to Students’ Career Development Needs by Promoting Career Literacy. Career Convergence
Goe, R., Ipsen, C., Bliss, S. (2018). Pilot Testing a Digital Career Literacy Training for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Vol. 61(4): 236-243.
Hollister, C. (2005). Bringing information literacy to career services, Reference Services Review, Vol. 33(1): 104-111.
Huerta-Macías, A. G. (2003). Meeting the Challenge of Adult Education: A Bilingual Approach to Literacy and Career Development. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Vol.7(3): 218–226.
Hull, G. (2000). Critical Literacy at Work. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Vol.43(7): 648–652.
Ivey, Gay (2011). Opening Up the Conversation on Literacy, College, and Career. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Vol.55(2): 96-99.
Kerka, S. (2000). Middle School Career Education and Development Practice Application Brief No.9. ERIC Center on Education and Training for Employment.
Khammarnia M, Soroodi Golestani Z, Alinejad Ranjbar A., Peyvand M, Khorram A, et al. (2022) Relationship of Information Literacy and Professional Ethics with Career Development. Shiraz E-Medical Journal. Vol.23(9):e111166.
Kilani, H. (2021). Career literacy empowers students to be active agents in their future planning. Careerwise
Kilani, H. (2021). Engaging Youth in Their Careers. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Vol.20(1):58-63.
Long, Richard (n.d). Career Success Demands Strong 21st Century Literacy Skills.
Magnusson, K., Redekopp, D. (2011). Coherent career practice. Journal of employment counselling. Vol.48(4): 176-178.
Meijers, F. (1998). The development of a career identity. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Vol. 20(3):191-207.
Milheim, K. L. (2010). The Role of Collaborative Reflection in the Career Development of Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program Directors. Canadian Journal of Career Development. Vol.9(2): 13–21.
Milosheva, M., Hall, H., Robertson, P., Cruickshank, P. (2022). New Information Literacy Horizons: Making the Case for Career Information Literacy. In Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds). Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. European Conference on Information Literacy 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 1533: 239-252. Springer.
Murray, J. (2003). Contemporary literacy: Essential skills for the 21st century. Multimedia Schools. Vol.10(2): 15–18.
NWT Literacy Council (2003). Planning Your Career Workbook.
Piercey Monafu, M. (2021). Connecting educators to industry to improve youth career literacy. Careerwise
Richards-Farwell, L. (2019). Helping At-Risk Youth by Emphasizing Career Literacy. Career Convergence
Stout, K., Macke, B. (2009). Cultivating Career Literacy: Facilitating the Most Important Research Project Your Students Will Ever Face. Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy.
Sultana, R. (2020). Authentic education for meaningful work: beyond “career management skills.” In Robertson, P., Hooley, T., Mccash, P. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Career Development. pp. 79–94. UK, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Tatham, P., McIlveen, P. (n.d.) Improving the Career Literacy of Australian Students. TAFE Directors Australia and Career Industry Council of Australia Transitions Roundtable
Towlson, K., Rush, N. (2013). Carving the information literacy niche within graduate employability. New Review of Academic Librarianship. Vol.19(3): 300–315.
Unesco (2024). What you need to know about literacy
Valentine, K. S., Kosloski, M. F. (2021). Developing the Key Constructs of Career Literacy: A Delphi Study. Journal of Research in Technical Careers. Vol. 5(1): 1-22.
Watts, A.G. (2006). Career Development Learning and Employability. Higher Education Academy York, York, UK.
Zalaquett, C.P., Osborn, D.S. (2011). Fostering Counseling Students’ Career Information Literacy Through a Comprehensive Career Web Site. Counselor. Education and Supervision. Vol. 46(3):162-171.
Zhang, H., Lee, I., Ali, S., DiPaola, D., Cheng, Y., Breazeal, C. (2022). Integrating Ethics and Career Futures with Technical Learning to Promote AI Literacy for Middle School Students: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Vol.33: 290–324
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