Canadian Career Development Research
March 6, 2015Early Intervention Career Development for Children and Adolescents
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Evaluation and Best Practices of Career Services
Topics covered include:
- Evidence-based practice,
- Program evaluation,
- Measuring impact of career services,
- Canadian standards for career development,
- Frameworks for evaluating effectiveness,
- Career guidance and counsellor efficacy,
- Career services in post-secondary institutions,
- and more.
Evaluation and Best Practices of Career Services
Literature Search (Updated April 2017)
Baudouin, R., Borgen, W., Goyer, L., Hiebert, B., and Michaud, G. (2008), May. Program Evaluation: what we do defines who we are. Canadian Counselling Association Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick
Baudouin, R., Hiebert, B., (2007). Introduction to Special Issue on Evidence-Based Practice in Career Development. Canadian Journal of Counselling. Vol. 41:3.
Baudouin, Robert, Bezanson, Lynn, Borgen, Bill, Goyer, Liette, Hiebert, Brian, Magnusson, Kris, Michaud, Guylaine, Renald, Celine, Turcotte, Michel, (2007). Demonstrating Value: A Draft Framework for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Career Development Interventions, Canadian Journal of Counselling
Baudouin, R., Magnusson, K., Borgen, W., Bezanson, M.L. & Hiebert, B., (2005), May. Measuring the Impact of Career Services: State of Practice, Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Counselling Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Bell, D., Bezanson, L. (2006). Career Development Services for Canadian Youth: Access, Adequacy, and Accountability. Canadian Policy Research Networks.
Benzinger, K., Kerford, K., Lumsden, L., Mahoney, K., Rodney, Y. (2010). Career Centre Evaluation. A Practitioner Guide. Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling, CERIC.
Bernes, K.B., Bartdick, A.D., & Orr, D.T. (2007). Career guidance and counseling efficacy studies: An international research agenda. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance. 7, 81-96.
Bimrose, J., Barnes, S.A., and Marris L. (2007). Establishing World Class Careers Education and Guidance in Kent and Medway: A literature review. Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Bimrose, J., Barnes, S.A. (2006). Is Career Guidance Effective Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in England. Australian Journal of Career Development. Volume 15, Issue 2.
Bimrose, J., Barbes, S.A., Hughes, D., and Orton, M. (2004). What is Effective Guidance? Evidence from Longitudinal Case Studies in England. Coventry: DfES/Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Bloxom, J.M., Bernes, K.B., Magnusson, K.C., Gunn, T.T., Bardick, A.D., Orr, D.T., et all. (2008). Grade 12 Student Career Needs and Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Career Development Services within Schools. Canadian Journal of Counseling. 42(2). 79-100.
Borgen, B., Hiebert, B., Lalande, V., Magnusson, K., Bezanson, M.L., Baudouin, R., Goyer, L., Michaud, G., Renald, C., & Turcotte, M. (2006). Measuring the Impact of Career Services: a Framework for Service Evaluation. International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy. Australia
Bowes, L., Bysshe, S., Moreton, R., Howe, P., Birkin, G. (2013). Evaluation of National Careers Service Partnership Delivery. Department for Business Innovation & Skills.
Bowes, L., Smith, D., & Morgan, S., (2005). Reviewing the evidence base for careers work in schools. CEGS Occasional Paper. Derby: Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.
Braithwaite, A.D.(2003). Career Centres for the Future. Journal of Career Development, 29(3).
Brotheridge, C.L.M., & Power, J.L. (2008). Are career centers worthwhile? Predicting uniquevariance in career outcomes through career center usage. Career Development International, 13(6), 480-496.
Bysshe, S. (2005). Improving the management and delivery of careers education and guidance. Evaluation of Investor in Careers. Derby: Centre for Guidance Studies. Retrieved from
Callanan, G. and Benzing, C. (2004). Assessing the role of internships in the career-oriented employment of graduating students. Education and Training. 46(213):82.
Capuzzi, D (2011). Career Counseling: Foundations , Perceptions, and Applications. Routledge.
Castro, M. (2011). Best Practices in Intercultural Career Development, AAISA Princial Conference.
Conger, S., Hiebert, B. (2007). Employment and Educational Equivalence Outcomes as Measures of Employment and Career Counselling. Canadian Journal of Counselling. Vol. 41:3.
Darou, W.G. (2012). Measuring Effectiveness in a Clinical Setting. A Multi-Sectoral Approach to Career Development: A Decade of Canadian Research, the Canadian Journal of Career Development, pages 396-398.
Daneman, D., Kennedy, J., Coyte, P.C. (2010). Evaluation of the Career Development and Compensation Program in the Department of Pediatrics at the Hospital for Sick Children, HR Resource Database, 13(3): 64-71.
Dey, F., Cruzvergara, C.Y. (2014). Evolution of Career Services in Higher Education. Wiley Online Library.
Elliott, C., Manning, L.M., (2012). Effective Career Services Practices: The Case of Canadian Business Schools. A Multi-Sectoral Approach to Career Development: a Decade of Canadian Research. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, pages 78-90.
Feller, R.W., Russell, M., Whichard, J.A. (2005). Career Techniques and Interventions: Themes from an International Conversation. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 54, Issue 1, pages 36-47.
Fouad, N.A., Cotter, L. & Kantamneni, N. (2009). Effectiveness of a career course on career decision-making. Journal of Career Assessment, 17, 338-347.
Gillie, S., & Isenhour, M.G. (2003). The educational, social, and economic value of informed and considered career decision. Alexandria, VA: America’s Career Resource Network Association.
Greenwood, J.I., (2008). Validation of a Multivariate Career and Educational Counseling Intervention Model Using Long-Term Follow-Up. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 56, Issue 4, Pages 353-361.
Hanrahan, K. (2017). Alumni Career Services: Best Practices & Strategies. Switchboard.
Harrington, T.F., Harrigan, T.A. (2006). Practice and Research in Career Counseling and Development – 2005. The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 55, Issue 2, pages 98-167.
Hayes, C. (2007). Perceptions of the General Public on Guidance and Guidance Services. National Guidance Forum Report.
Hiebert, B., (2006, June). Assessing the Impact of Career Services in Post Secondary Institutions. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, Calgary, Alberta
Hiebert, B., (2007 June). Measuring the Impact of Career Guidance: State of Practice in Canada. Invited address presented to Who Cares about Career? Career Guidance Week, Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby, Derby, England
Hiebert, B. & Lalande, V. (2005). Career development services in Alberta: A dynamic matrix of services offered and evaluation practices, Alberta Human Resources and Evaluation
Hooley, T., Neary, S., Morris, M., and Mackay, S. (2016). Customer Satisfaction with Career Guidance: A Review of the Literature. University of Derby.
Hughes, D., Gration, G., Holt, G., Dyke, S., and Watts, A.G. (2008). Demonstrating the Impact and Value of Career Guidance: Critical Review and Next Steps. University of Derby.
Hughes, D., and Gration, G. (2006). Performance Indicators and Benchmarks in Career Guidance in the United Kingdom. CeGS Occasional Paper. Derby: Centre for Guidance Studies (CeGS) University of Derby.
Hughes, d. (2004). Creating evidence: Building the case for career development. The Career Counsellor. Retrieved from Counsellor-Issue16.pdf.
Jones, M.O. (2007). A Study of the Best Practices of Liberal Arts Career Centres at Selected Institutions. ProQuest.
Kauth, A. (2017) Why I am Helping Build a New Approach to Career Services. Minerva Voices.
Kayano, Jun, Kimiko, Nishimura, (2007). Action Research in Career Counseling Project Study “Research and Development for Enhancing of the Supply Demand Adjustment Function and the Career Support Function in the Labor Market.” Summary. JILPT Research Report No. 107
KPMG, (2012). Formative evaluation of improved Career Development Services. KPMG.
Kyoung Lee, S. (2016). Seeking Best Practices for Career Services to International Students. University of Minnesota.
Langley, J. (2013) Best Practices in Placement and Career Services. APSCU.
Lalande, V., Bezanson, M.L., & Hiebert, B., (2005, September). Evidence Based Practice in Career Development Services for Canadians. Paper presented to the International Association for education and Vocational Guidance, Lisbon, Portugal
Lalande, V., Huston, M., (2004) Developing an Accountability Framework for Career Development Practices, NATCON Papers
Lalande, V., Manusson, Kris, (2007). Measuring the Impact of Career Development Services in Canada, Canadian Journal of Counselling
Lalande, V., Magnusson, K., Borgen, W., Bezanson, M.L., & Hiebert, B. (2006), January, Measuring the Impact of Career Services: Current and Desired Practices for Agencies, Practitioners, Policy Makers and Employers, Paper presented to the National Consultation for Career development, NATCON
Lam, N., Dyke, L., Duxbury, L. (2012). Career development in best-practice organizations: critical success factors. Optimum, the Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 29, No. 4 (22-30).
Lenz, J.G., & Osborn, D.S. (2017). Addressing inequities in accessing career and workforce development programs and services in college settings. In V. S. H. Solberg, & S. R. Ali (Eds.) The handbook of career and workforce development practice and policy (pp. 124-146). NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Lipka, S. (2008). In light employment market, career services gain clout. Chronicle of Higher Education. 54(36)1-2.
Loo, B. (2016). Better Career Services for International Students = Better Retention and Recruitment. World Education News and Reviews.
Mackay, S., Morris, M., Hooley, T., and Neary, S. (2016). Maximising the Impact of Careers Services on Career Management Skills. University of Derby.
Magnusson, K., & Lalande, V., (2005). The state of practice in Canada of measuring career service impact: A CRWG report. The Canadian Career Development Foundation. Retrieved from
Magnusson, K., & Roest, A. (2004). The efficacy of career development interventions: A synthesis of research. Retrieved from:
Maguire, M., and Killeen, J. (2003). Outcomes from Career Information and Guidance Services. Paper prepared for OECD career Guidance Policy Review, Paris (2003).
Moghadam, A. (2014). Best Practices in Career Services. Career College Central.
Nault, R. & Pickell, D. (2008). Making the case: Demonstrating the impact of career services. Journal of Employment Counselling, 45 (3), 98 – 107
Neary, S., Hooley, T., Morris, M., and Mackay, S. (2016). The Impact of Career Guidance on Progression in Learning and Work: A Review of the Literature. University of Derby.
Olson, Sandra K., Robbins, Steven B., (2005). Guidelines for the development and evaluation of career services for the older adult. Springer, Netherlands
Osborn, D.S., & Zunger, V. (2016). Using Assessment Results for Career Development. 9th Edition. Cengage Publishing.
Osborn, D., Finklea, J.T., & Belle, J.G. (2015). Integrating Assessments into the Career Decision-Making Conversation. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30(4), 144-155.
Osborn, D.S. (2012). An international discussion about cross-cultural career assessment. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12, 5-16.
Panke Makela, J., Rooney, G.S. (2014). Framing Assessment for Career Services: Telling Our Story. Wiley Online Library.
Perry, J.C., Dauwalder, J.P., Bonnett, H.R. (2009). Verifying the efficacy of vocational guidance programs: procedures, problems, and potential directions. Career Development Quarterly.
Plant, P. (2004). Quality in Careers Guidance. Paper prepared for the OECD Career Guidance Policy Review 2001. Accessed at
Presnell, M. (2017). Is Career Services Helpful? Expectations, Resources, and the Gallup Findings. NASPA.
Rainey, Linda, Simons, Michele, Pudney, Val and Hughes, Elvie, (2008). What choice? An evaluation of career development services for young people. VOCED, NCVER, Australia
Repetto, Elivira, (2004). Following Super’s Heritage: Evaluation of a Career Development Program in Spain, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Springer, Netherlands
Richard, George V., (2005) International Best Practices in Career Development: Review of Literature, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Springer, Netherlands
Roest, Allison, Magnusson, Kris, IMPACT: A Clearinghouse of Information on the Efficacy of Career Development Strategies, (2005) Allison Roest and Dr. Kris Magnusson, NATCON Papers.
Sampson, J.P., Jr., Osborn, D., Kettunen, J., Hou, P-C., Miller, A.K., & Make, J.P. (Submitted). The validity of socially-constructed career information. Career Development Quarterly. Manuscript submitted for publication, 25 pages.
Sampson, J.P. (2008). Designing and implementing career programs: A handbook for effective practice. Broken Arrow: NCDA.
Shivy, V.A., and Koehly, L.M. (2002). Client perceptions of and preferences for university based career services. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60, 40-60.
Slomp, M.W., Bernes, K.B., Magnusson, K.C. (2011). Evaluating the Impact of Career Development Services in Canada: The Perceptions of Managers and Program Administrators. The Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 10, Number 1.
Smith, K.K. (2014). Strategic Directions for Career Services within the University Setting. John Wiley & Sons.
Spencer, M.L. (2014). Program Evaluation of Career Services Delivered Through TRIO Student Support Services. ProQuest.
Steinfeld, T. (2015). The Future of Career Services is Now. National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Turner, S.L., & Lapan, R.T. (2004). Evaluating an intervention to increase non-traditional career interests and efficacy: Poster presented at the 112th Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Usher, A., Kwong, A., Mentanko, J. (2014). Career Services Offices: A Look at Universities and Colleges across Canada. Higher Education Strategy Associates.
Whiston, S.C. (2008). Evaluation of Career Guidance Programs. International Handbook of Career Guidance. VI 677-692.
Whiston, S.C., & Tai, W.L. (2006). Career intervention outcomes. In J. Greenhaus & G. Callanan (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Career Development (pp. 118-121). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Young, J.R. (2016). Reinventing the Career Center. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
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