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Public Sector and Career Development
Literature Search
December 2018
Ababneh, R. (2013). Antecedents and Outcomes of Career Development in Jordanian Public Sector. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences 4(4):417-426.
Abdul Ghani Azmi, I., Hayaati Syed Ismail, S., Arni Basir, S. (2012). Women Career Advancement in Public Service: A Study in Indonesia. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences., Volume 58, Pages 298-306.
ACCA, (2018). Generation Next: managing talent in the public sector. ACCA.
Aijala, K. (2002). Public Sector – An Employer of Choice? Report on the Competitive Public Employer Project. OECD.
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Andrzejewski, S. (2013). What are the pros and cons of working in the public sector? Quora.
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Australian Public Service Commission, (2007). Tackling Wicked Problems: A Public Policy Perspective. Australian Public Service Commission.
Azevedo, G.M.C., da Silva, O., Jonas, M., Rui, P.F., Ferreira, A. C.S. (2-18). Handbook of Research on Modernization and Accountability in Public Sector Management. IGI Global.
Bennett, C., Tang, N., Yeandle, S. (2016). Women’s Career Development in the Local Authority Sector. Synthesis Report. Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University.
Bergen, A. (2016). What Are Public Service Jobs (And Are They Right For You)? Money Under.
Bergin, T. (2013). Learning & Development in the Public Sector. Australian Institute of Management.
Blake, H.A. (2018). Public Service Career is not for Everyone. PA Times.
Block, C., Krogh Graversen, E., Skovgaard Pedersen, H. (2015). Researcher mobility and sector choices among doctorate holders. Research Evaluation, Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 171-180.
Bolou Schlesinger, E. (2017). Six Reasons to Study a Master’s in Public Policy. QS Scholarships.
Bourne, PE (2017). Ten simple rules in considering a career in academia versus government. PLoS Compu Biol 13(10).
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Bridgman, T., De’ath, A. (2017). Early career development in the public sector: Lessons from a social constructionist perspective. Australian Journal of Career Development.
Brindle, D. (2010). Public v private sector: Is the grass greener? The Guardian.
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Davies, B. (2017). Benefits of Working in the Public Sector. Careers Advise.
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Doucouliagos, C., Hone, P., and Ulubasoglu, M. (2007). Discrimination, Performance and Career Progression in Australian Public Sector Labor Markets. Deakin University.
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Duxbury, L., Lam, N., and Dyke, L. (2007). Career development of knowledge workers in the federal public service: the view from the trenches. Optimum, The Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol. 29, No. 4 (6-13).
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Erstad, W. (2018). Public vs. Private Accounting: Your Guide to Choosing a Side. Rasmussen College.
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Ferguson, R. (2017). Worth the risk? Moving from the public sector to the private sector. Career Insights Centre.
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Koskina, A. (2008). The “pros” and “cons” of career development in the Greek public sector. Personnel Review, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp. 264-279.
Kumari, G., and Pandey, K.M. (2011). Job Satisfaction in Public Sector and Private Sector: A Comparison. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. Vol. 2, No. 3.
Lam, N., Dyke, L., Duxbury, L. (2006). Career development in best-practice organizations: critical success factors. Optimum, The Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol. 29, No. 4 (22-30).
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