Bridging Two Worlds: Supporting Newcomer and Refugee Youth
January 19, 2018Lifelong Learning and Career Development
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- Create Date January 31, 2018
- Last Updated August 26, 2021
Topics covered in the literature search include:
- Theories and practices in service-learning research
- Assessment of service-learning programs
- Role of reflection in service learning
- Effects of service learning on university students
- Service learning and community and civic engagement
- Service learning and leadership training
Service Learning
Literature Search
Updated June 2018
Adler-Kassner, L., Crooks, R. & Watters, A. (2006). Writing the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in composition. Sterling: Styles.
Ash, S.L., Clayton, P.H., & Atkinson, M.P. (2005). Integrating reflection and assessment to capture and improve student learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 11(2), 49-60.
Astin, A.W., Astin, H.S., & Lindholm, J.A. (2011). Cultivating the Spirit: How College Can Enhance Students Inner Lives. San Francisco: Josey-Bass.
Balliet, B.J., & Heffernan, K. (2006). The Practice of Change: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Women’s Studies. Sterling: Stylus.
Bamber, P.M., & Pike, M.A. (2012). Towards an ethical ecology of international service learning. Journal of Curriculum Studies. Volume 45, Issue 4.
Baratian, M. (2007). Service-Learning Course Design for Community Colleges. Providence, RI: Campus Compact.
Battistoni, R.M., & Hudson, W.E. (2006). Experiencing Citizenship: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Political Science. Stylus: Sterling.
Battistoni, R.M., Gelmon, S.M., Saltmarsh, J., Wergin, J., & Zlotkowski, E. (2011). The Engaged Department. Boston: Campus Connect.
Bennett, C., & Papi, D. (2014). From Service Learning to Learning Service. Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Berman, S. (2006). Service Learning: A Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Student Projects. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Bickle, M. (2012). Service Learning and Mentoring Makes America Stronger. Forbes.
Billig, S.H., Holland, B.A., & Moely, B.E. (2009). Creating Our Identities in Service-Learning and Community Engagement. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Billig, S.H., Bowdon, M.A., & Holland, B.A. (2008). Scholarship for Sustaining Service Learning and Civic Engagement. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Billig, S.H., & Gelmon, S.B. (2007). Service-Learning: From Passion to Objectivity International and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Service Learning Research. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Billig, S.H., Waterman, A.S. (2006). Studying Service-Learning: Innovations in Education Research Methodology. Questia.
Bittman, E. (2016). Service Learning Is Essential for All Kids. Here’s Why. We Are Teachers.
Bleicher, R.E., & Correia, M.G. (2011). Using a « small moments » writing strategy to help students reflect on their service-learning experiences. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 15(4), 17-30.
Bowen, G.A. (2014). Promoting Social Change through Service-Learning in the Curriculum. The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 1, 51-62.
Bowley, E.M., Jones, S., & Scheibel, J. (2005). The Promise of Partnerships: Tapping into the College as a Community Asset. Providence: Campus Compact.
Bowman, S., Morris, K., and Adshead, M. (2018). How to Guide: A Framework for Engaged Research. Campus Engage.
Bowman, N.A., Brandenberger, J.W., Mick, C.S., & Smedley, C.T. (2010). Sustained immersion courses and student orientations to equity, justice, and social responsibility: The role of short-term service-learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 17(1), 20-32.
Bradley, M., Lizzul, I., Di Giorgio, L., Aikas, R.M., Murolo, S., & Zinger, L. (2012. The Impact of Service Learning on academic Knowledge, Personal Growth, and Civic Engagement in Community College Students. The Journal for Civic Commitment.
Bringle, R.G., & Duffy, D.K. (2012). Understanding Service-Learning and Community-Engagement: Crossing Boundaries through Research. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Bringle, R.G., Hatcher, J.A., & Jones, S.G. (2011). International Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Research. Sterling: Stylus.
Bringle, R.G., & Duffy, D.K. (2006). With Service in Mind: Concepts and Models and Service-Learning in Psychology. Sterling: Stylus.
Bringle, R.G. (2004). The Measure of Service Learning: Research Scales to Assess Student Experiences. 1st ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Brown, E. (2013). Develop Student Compassion Through Service-Learning. Journal of Christian Nursing, Volume 30, No. 4.
Bryant, J.A., Schoenemann, N., & Karpa, D. (2011). Integrating service-learning into the university classroom. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Burr, K.L. (2005). A Qualitative Model for the Cognitive Assessment for Service-Learning Project Experiences. National Society for Experiential Education, 1, 5-10, 12-13.
Butin, D.W. (2010). Service-Learning in Theory and Practice: The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Calderon, J.Z. (2007). Race, Poverty, and Social Justice: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning (Service Learning for Civic Engagement Series.) Sterling: Stylus.
Casey, K.M., Davidson, G., Billig, S.H., & Springer, N.C. (2006). Advancing knowledge in service-learning: Research to transform the field. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Celio, C.I., Durlak, J., and Dymnicki, A. (2011). A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Service-Learning on Students. Journal of Experiential Education. Volume 34, No. 2.
Cipolle, S.B. (2010). Service-learning and social justice: Engaging students in social change.
Clinton, I., Thomas, T. (2011). Business students’ experience of community service learning. Australian Catholic University.
Collier, P.J., Cress, C.M., and Reitenauer, V.L. (2005). Learning through serving: a student guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing.
Cooksey, M.A., & Olivares, K.T. (2010). Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies by Award Winning Teachers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Cress, C.M., Donahue, D.M., and Associates. (2011). Democratic dilemmas of teaching service-learning: Curricular strategies for success. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, Inc.
Cress, C.M. (2011). Learning Through Serving: A Student Guidebook for Service-Learning Across the Disciplines. 1st ed. Sterling. VA: Stylus Pub.
Cress, C.M., & Donahue, D.M. (2011). Democratic Dilemmas of Teaching Service Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success. Sterling: Stylus.
Cummings, A.T., Huff, J., Oakes, W.C., and Zoltowski, C.B. (2013). An Assessment Approach to Project-Based Service Learning. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Darby, A., & Newman, G. (2014). Exploring faculty members’ motivation and persistence in academic service-learning pedagogy. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 18(2), 91-119.
Davidson, G., Billig, S.H., & Springer, N.C. (2006). Advancing knowledge in service learning: Research to transform the field (K.M. Casey, Ed.), Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Desmond, K.J., Stahl, S.A., Graham, M.A. (2011). Combining Service Learning and Diversity Education. EBSCO Host
Dickert, N., Sugarman, J. (2015). Ethical Goals of Community Consultation in research. Research Gate
Ellerton, S., Di Meo, C., Pantaleo, J., Kemmerer, A., Bandziukas, M., & Bradley, M. (2016). Academic Service Learning Benefits Diverse, Urban Community College Students. The Journal for Civic Commitment.
Ellis, S.J. (2013). Volunteering and Employability: Cause or Effect? ENERGIZE.
Ellis, S.J. (2008). The Confusing Talk about “Service”. ENERGIZE.
Ellis, S.J. (2005). Start Early: Teaching Students about Volunteering, Not Simply Doing It. ENERGIZE.
Erickson, M.S. (2010). Investigating community impacts of a university outreach program through the lens of service-learning and community engagement. Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 11875.http://www.communityworksinstitute.org/cwjonline/articles/aarticles-text/eslandservice_marina.html.
Evans, N.J., Forney, D.S., Guido, F.M., Patton, L.D., & Renn, K.A. (2010). Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Eyler, J., Giles, Jr., D.E., Stenson, C.M., & Gray, C.J. ((2001). At a glance : What we know about the effects of service-learning on college students, faculty, institutions, and communities, 1993-2000 : Third Edition. Vanderbilt University.
Falasca, M. (2017). Learning Language with Context and Purpose: Principles of Good Practice. Community Works Journal.
Flecky, K. (2010). Foundations of Service-Learning. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Gelmon, S.B., Holland, B.A., Driscoll, A., Spring, A., & Kerrigan, S. (2001). Assessing service-learning and civic engagement: Principals and techniques. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, Brown University.
Gencer, A. (2009). Service-Learning in Classroom Stirs Debate. Baltimore Sun.
Gershenson-Gates, R. (2012). The Impact of Service-Learning on College Students’ Civic Development and Sense of Self-Efficacy. College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. Paper 3.
Gridley, P. (2008). The importance of service learning. The Citizen.
Guthrie, K., & McCracken, H. (2014). Reflection: the importance of making meaning in e-service-learning courses. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 26(3), 238-252.
Hartley, M., & Saltmarsh, J. (2011). To Serve a Larger Purpose: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Hatcher, J.A., & Studer, M.L. (2015). Service-Learning and philanthropy: Implications for course design. Theory Into Practice, 54(1), 11-19.
Hatcher, J.A., & Bringle, R.G. (2012). Understanding service-learning and community engagement: crossing boundaries through research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Hatcher, J.A., Bringle, R.G., & Muthiah, R. (2004). Designing effective reflection: What matters to service-learning? Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 11(1), 38-46.
Hébert, A., Hauf, P. (2015). Student learning through service learning: Effects on academic development, civic responsibility, interpersonal skills and practical skills. SAGE Journals
Homana, G. (2007). Research in Service Learning. The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement.
Hopkins, G. (2004). Is Community Service a Waste of Time? Education World.
Huff, J.L., Oakes, W.C., and Zoltowski, C.B. (2013). Work in Progress: Understanding Professional Competency Formation in a Service-Learning Context from an Alumni Perspective. Proceedings of 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference, Seattle, WA, pp. 1351-1353.
Jacoby, B. (2013). What Makes Service-Learning Unique: Reflection and Reciprocity. Faculty Focus.
Jacoby, B. (2009). Civic Engagement in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Jason, L.A., & Glenwick, D.S. (2012). Methodological approaches to community-based research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Jay, G. (2008). Service Learning, Multiculturalism, and the Pedagogies of Difference. Duke University.
Jenkins, A., and Sheehey, P. (2012). A Checklist for Implementing Service-Learning in Higher Education. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.
Johnson, R.G. III (2009). A twenty-first century approach to teaching social justice: Education for both advocacy and action. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Kajner, T., Chovanec, D., Underwood, M., & Mian, A. (2013). Critical Community Service Learning: Combining critical classroom pedagogy with activist community placements. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 19(1): 5-17.
Kane, E.W. (2012). Student perceptions of community-based research partners and the politics of knowledge. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 19(1): 5-17.
Kaye, C.B. (2004). The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility. Academic Curriculum, & Social Action.
Khan, N.A. (2008). Should students be required to do community service to graduate. Chicago Tribune.
Kronick, R.F., & Cunningham, R.B. (2013). Service-Learning: Some academic and community recommendations. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 17(3), 139-152.
Lambright, K.T., & Lu, Y. (2009). What impacts the learning in service learning? An examination of project structure and student characteristics. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 15(4): 425-444.
Lenton, R., Sidhu, R., Kaur, S., Conrad, M., Kennedy, B., Munroe, Y., Smith, R. (2014). Community Service-Learning and Community-Based Learning as Approaches to Enhancing University Service Learning. Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Maclejewski, A. (2017). Leadership Development through Service-Learning: My Drake Experience. The International Undergraduate Journal for Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change: Vol, 6: Iss. 2, p. 28-31.
Maddrell, J. (2014). Service-Learning instructional design considerations. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 26(3), 213-226.
Manchester, H., with Baiocchi, L. (2017). Reflecting on Jonathan Kozol’s Challenge: Who Really Benefits from Service Learning? ENERGIZE.
Mangan, K. (2010). Service Learning’ Becomes the New Standard at Tulane. The Chronicle.
Marshall, K. (2004). “I Never Knew I Could Be A Hero”; Thoughts on Service Learning. Education World.
Matusovich, H.M., Oakes, W. and Zollowski, C.B. (2013). Why Women Choose Service-Learning: Seeking and Finding Engineering-Related Experiences. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 388-402.
McClam, T., Diambra, J.F., Burton, B. (2008). An Analysis of a Service-Learning Project : Students’ Expectations, Concerns, and Reflections. Journal of Experiential Education.
McDonald, J. & Dominguez, L. (2015). Developing university and community partnerships: A critical piece of successful service learning. Journal of College Science Teaching, 44(3), 52-56.
Meens, D.E. (2014). Democratic and social justice goals in service-learning evaluation: Contemporary challenges and conceptual resources. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 21(1), 41-54.
Moely, B.E., & Ilustre, V. (2014). The impact of service-learning course characteristics on university students’ learning outcomes. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 21(1).
Moely, B.E., Billig, S.H., & Holland, B.A. (2009). Creating our identities in service-learning and community engagement. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Morris, K., & Wynne, R. (2018). Measuring Higher Education Civic and Community Engagement – A Support Framework. Campus Engage.
Morris, K., Bowman, S., Adshead, M. (2018). How to Guide Engaged Research Planning for Impact. Campus Engage.
Mutascio, P., & Jacoby, B. (2010). Looking in Reaching Out: A Reflective Guide for Community Service-Learning Professionals. Boston: Campus Compact.
Pelco, L.E., Ball, C.T., & Lockeman, K.S. (2014). Student growth from service-learning: A comparison of first-generation and non-first generation college students. Journal of Higher Education & Engagement, 18(2) 49-65.
Pierce, K.A. (2012). The Effects of Service-Learning on Student Writing and Research. Thesis, Boise State University.
Phillips, A., Bolduc, S.R., & Gallo, M. (201). Curricular placement of academic service-learning in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 17(4), 75-96.
Price-Mitchell, M. (2011). Service Learning: Helping Teens Benefit Through Giving. Roots of Action.
Quillinan, B., McEvoy, E., MacPhail, A. & Dempsey, C. (2018). Lessons learned from a community engagement initiative within Irish higher education. Routledge.
Redford, K. (2017). How Can We Make Service Learning Self-Serving. Education Week Teacher.
Root, S., Callahan, J., & Billig, S. (Eds.). (2005). Improving service learning practice: Research on models to enhance impacts. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Scepansky, T. (2004). Service Learning and Faculty in the Higher Education Institution. New Foundations.
Seifer, S. (2007). Faculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education. Community Campus Partnerships for Health.
Shoenfeld, R.M. (2003). Service-Learning: Student’s guide and journal. Seattle: Guide and Journal Publications.
Simonet, D. (2008). Minnesota Campus Compact. Service-Learning and Academic Success: The Links to Retention Research.
Simons, L., Williams, E., and Russell, B. (2011). An Exploration of the Value of Service-Learning: Characteristics of Traditional and Honor Service-Learners. The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 11, No., 1, 6-18.
Simons, L., and Cleary, B. (2006). The Influence of Service Learning on Students’ Personal and Social Development. Widener University.
Smagorinsky, P., Clayton, C.M., & Johnson, L.L. (2015). Distributed scaffolding in a service-learning course. Theory into Practice, 54(1), 71-78.
South China Morning Post. (2017). Combining Service-Learning and Leadership Training in Cambodia. South China Morning Post.
Speck, B.W., Hoppe, S.L. (2004) Service-Learning: History, Theory, and Issues. Greenwood Publishing Group.
Steen, S., Logan O’Keefe, A., Griffin, D., Routzahn, K. (2009). Service-Learning and Classroom Guidance: A Program for Elementary Students. ASCA.
Steinke, P., Fitch, P. (2007). Assessing Service-Learning. Research & Practice in Assessment. Volume Two: Summer
Stewart, T., & Webster, N. (2011). Problematizing service-learning: Critical reflections for development and action. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Straight, J.R., & Lima, M. (2009). The future of service-learning: New solutions for sustaining and improving practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, Inc.
Strom, S. (2009). Does Service Learning Really Help? The New York Times.
Sturgill, A., & Motley, P. (2014). Methods of reflection about service learning: Guided vs. free, dialogic vs. expressive, and public vs. private. Teaching and learning inquiry, 1(81).
Teixeira, C. (2017). How about Service Learning and Community Health: The Lessons I Learned. The International Undergraduate Journal for Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change: Vol. 6: Iss. 2, p. 1-9.
Terry, J.D., Smith, B.H., & McQuillin, S.D. (2014). Teaching evidence-based practice in service-learning: A model for education and service. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(1), 55-69.
Tugend, A. (2010). The Benefits of Volunteerism, if the Service Is Real. The New York Times.
Waldner, L.S., Widener, M.C., McGorry, S.Y. (2012). E-Service Learning: The Evolution of Service-Learning to Engage a Growing Online Student Population. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. Volume 16(2).
Wang, Y., Rodgers, R. (2006). Impact of Service-Learning and Social Justice Education on College Students’ Cognitive Development. NASPA Journal, Vol. 43, no. 2/
Warren, J.L. (2012). Does service-learning increase student learning?: A meta-analysis. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 18(2), 56-61.
Waters, S. & Anderson-Lain, K. (2014). Assessing the student, faculty, and community partner in academic service-learning: A categorization of surveys posted online at Campus Compact member institutions. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 18(1), 89-122.
Wexler, E. (2016). When Service Learning Doesn’t Really Serve. The University of Wisconsin.
Whitley, M.A. (2014). A draft conceptual framework of relevant theories to inform future rigorous research on student service-learning outcomes. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 20(2): 19-40.
Winston, F. (2015). Reflections upon community engagement: Service-learning and its effect on political participation after college. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 19(1), 79-103.
Zlotkowski, E., Longo, N., and Williams, J. (2006). Students as colleagues: Expanding the circle of service-learning leadership. Providence, RI: Brown University Campus Compact.
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