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Vocational Education & Training in Canada
Topics covered include:
- Non-university pathways;
- Education reforms;
- Public policy on education and training;
- International perspectives on vocational training;
- The role of private colleges;
- Skills training for the workplace;
- and more.
Literature Search
Vocational Education & Training in Canada
Updated January 2017
Abele, F. and Graham, K. (2010). Literature Review, the Literature on Building Post-Secondary Success. National Committee on Inuit Education.
Alberta Federation of Labour. (2006, April). Beyond chicken little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta’s system for skills training. Edmonton, AB.
Ashton, D. (2004). The political economy of workplace learning, in H. Rainbird, A. Fuller, and A. Munro (Eds.) Workplace learning in context (pp. 21-37). Routledge, London.
Ault, D. (2005). Selling Postsecondary Education: The Role of Private Vocational and Career Colleges. C.D. Howe Institute.
Barabasch, A., & Watt-Malcolm, B. (2012). Teacher preparation for vocational education and training in Germany: a potential model for Canada? Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 43:2, 155-183.
Boothby, D., Drewes, T. (2006). Postsecondary education in Canada: Returns to university, college and trades education. Canadian Public Policy 32(1): 1-22.
Boothby, D. and Drewes, T. (2004). “Post-secondary Education in Canada: Returns to University, College and Trades Education.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian economics Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.
Bosch, G., Chatest, J. (2009). Vocational Training: International Perspectives. Routledge.
Bosch, G., and Charest, J. (2008). Vocational training and the labour market in liberal and coordinated economies. Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (5), 428-447.
Boutin, F., Chinien, C. (2009). Canada: generic sustainable development skills for the workplace. Springer Netherlands.
Bratton, J., Helms-Mills, J., Pyrch, T., & Sawchuk, P. (2004). Workplace learning: A critical introduction, Aurora, ON: Garamond.
Broek, S.D., Buiskool, B.J., Hake, B. (2010). Impact of ongoing reforms in education and training on the adult learning. Research voor Beleid.
Bush, T., and Smith, E. (2007 ), Group training organizations: Bellwethers or shepherds? Paper presented at 10th Conference of the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association. Victoria University, April 11-13.
Business Council of British Columbia. (2003 ). The Third Option: A First Choice. Rewarding Careers via Non-University Pathways. Vancouver, BC.
Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) (2010). “High School to Apprenticeship Transition: Identifying and Sharing Best Practices.” Mimeo
Canadians for 21st Century Learning and Innovation (2012). C21 Canada Presents: Shifting Minds. A 21st Century Vision of Public Education for Canada.
Canadian Labour and Business Centre, “A Union Passport to Learning” Review of the Literature. Canadian Labour and Business Centre.
Cappon, P. (2014). Think Nationally, Act Locally . A pan-Canadian strategy for education and training. Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE).
Coates, M. (2009). Canada Launches Major Vocational Training Initiative for Developing Countries. Government of Canada
Conference Board of Canada (2002). Solving the Skilled Trades Shortage. Toronto: The Conference Board of Canada.
Connelly, G., Blair, G., Ko, A. (2013). Its Their Future: A Pan-Canadian Study of Career Education. The Learning Partnership.
Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. (2008). The Development and State of the Art of Adult Learning and Education (ALE). Report for Canada. Canadian Commission for Unesco.
Cournoyer, L., Fournier, G., & Masdonati, J. (Editors) (2016). Special Issue Call for Papers : Going Back-to-school in Vocational inTraining. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET).
Doern, B. (2010 ). “Polytechnics” in Higher Education Systems: A Comparative Review and Policy Implications for Ontario.” Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Fenwick, T. (2006). Work learning and adult education in Canada. In T. Fenwick, T. Nesbit, and B. Spencer (Eds.), Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives (pp. 187-197). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Ferrer, A.M., Riddell, W.C. (2002). The role of credentials in the Canadian labour market. Canadian Journal of Economics 35(4): 879-905.
Forster, A.G., Bol, T., van de Werfhorst, H.G. (2016). Vocational Education and Employment over the Life Cycle. Sociological Science.
Heintz, W. and Taylor, A. (2005). Learning and work transition policies in a comparative perspective: Canada and Germany, in K. Leithwood, D. Livingstone, A. Cumming, N. Bascia, and A. Datnow (Eds.), International Handbook of Educational Policy, Volume 2 (pp. 847-864). New York, Kluwer.
Hoachlander, G. (2008). Bringing industry to the classroom. Educational Leadership, 65(8): 22-27.
Hordern, J. (2016 ). Differentiating knowledge, differentiating (occupational) practice. Journal of Vocational Education & Training.
Kopatz, S., Pilz, M. (2015). The Academic Takes it All? A comparison of Returns to Investment in Education between Graduates and Apprentices in Canada. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. Vol. 2, No. 4: 308-325.
Laporte, C., and Mueller, R.E. (2013). The completion behaviour of registered apprentices in Canada: who continues, who quits, and who completes programs? Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training.
Lehmann, W. (2007). Choosing to Labour? School-work transitions and social class. Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press.
Lehmann, W. (2005). I’m Still Scubbing the Floors: Experiencing Youth Apprenticeships in Canada and Germany. Work, Employment and Society. 19(1). 107-129.
Livingstone, D., and Raykov, M. “ Union influence on worker education and training in Canada in tough times.” Just Labour, 5, 2005, 50-64.
Lynch, K.G. (2013). Canada needs to improve access to trades training. The Globe and Mail Nov. 08 2013.
Masdonati, J., Lamarna, N., Jordan, M. (2010). Vocational education and training attrition and the school-to-work transition. Education & Training. Vol. 52 Iss. 5, pp. 404-414.
Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sports (2010 ). Vocational and Technical Training in Quebec: Overview (ISBN 978-2-550-59663-9 (PDF). Government of Quebec.
Molgat, M., Deschenaux, F., & LeBlanc, P. (2011). Vocational education in Canada: do policy directions and youth trajectories always meet? Journal of Vocational Education & Training. Volume 63, Issue 4.
OECD, (2010). OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training Learning for Jobs. OECD Publishing.
Ovey, D. (2013). Should Canada have a national education and training strategy? National Post.
Payeur, C., Emond, N. & Caron, L. (2003). Towards a Regional Approach to Alteration Education and Training: The Case of Quebec. In Schuetze, H. and Sweet, R. (Eds). Integrating School and Workplace Learning in Canada (pp. 44-65). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Pilz, M. (2012). The Future of Vocational Education and Training in a Changing World. Springer.
Prasil, S. (2005). Registered apprentices: The class of 1992, a decade later. Research paper (Cat No 81-595-MIE, No 035) prepared for Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Reese, S. (2007). “A Message that Matters”. Techniques: Connecting Education with Careers, 82, 2, 14-18.
Robbins, M., MacLaine, C. (2016). What Canada can Learn about Higher Education from the Most Competative Country in the World. The Conference Board of Canada.
Schuetze, H., and Sweet, R. (Eds.) (2003 ). Integrating school and workplace learning in Canada (pp. 25-43). McGill-Queens Press, Montreal.
Sharpe, A., & Gibson, J. (2005). The Apprenticeship System in Canada: Trends and Issues. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards.
Smith, S. (2016). Researching vocational education and training. Journal of Vocational Education & Training.
Star Business Report, (2013) Canadian grant for vocational training. The Daily Star, December 17, 2013.
Stewart, G. (2010). Apprenticeship Training in Ontario: Literature Review and Options for Further Research. Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Stone, J. (2005, July). Seeking opportunity, respect, and good pay: School-to-apprenticeship programs in Canada. Prepared for Canadian Labour Congress (research paper #36). Ottawa, ON.
Taylor, A. (2016). Vocational Education in Canada. Oxford University Press.
Taylor, A. (2010). Opportunities and constraints related to vocational education and partnerships in Canada. Canadian Council on Learning.
Taylor, A., and Watt-Malcolm, B (2009). The contradictory location of high school apprenticeship in Canada. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Work and Learning. Roskilde, Denmark.
Taylor, A. (2008). “ You have to have that in your nature”: Understanding the trajectories of youth apprentices. Journal of Youth Studies, 11 (4), 393-411.
Taylor, A., and Watt-Malcolm, B. (2007). Expansive learning through high school apprenticeship: opportunities and limits. Journal of Education and Work. 20(1), 27-44.
Taylor, A. (2007). Pathways for youth to labour market: An overview of high school initiatives. Prepared for Canadian Policy Research Networks, Ottawa, ON.
Taylor, S.K., and Creech, H. (2012). Technical-Vocational Education for Sustainable Development in Manitoba. IISD Report.
Tremblay, M. (2013). Mathematics Education and Vocational Training Programs in Quebec. Thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
Watt, B. (2016 ). Skilled trades to university student: luck or courage. Emerald.
Watt-Malcolm, B., and Taylor, A. (2007). “ Get them young and train them right”: Negotiations in a VET partnership. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 20(2), 57-70.
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