Cannexus brings together a record 750 career professionals
January 27, 2012Mini-Forums…a new professional development opportunity
February 2, 2012An impressive 263 entries have been submitted for the Changemakers Initiative: Inspiring Approaches to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning, co-sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada. You are encouraged to review, share and comment on the entries.
For the Community Awards, a panel of judges composed of First Nations, Métis and Inuit leaders in education will choose the award finalists. On March 7, finalists will be announced online and people can log in and vote for their favourite ideas or projects.
The Counselling Foundation of Canada along with CERIC are sponsoring three awards of $1,000 each that will be awarded to the top entries relating to career education and workplace learning in Canada.
Winners will be announced on March 26.